Carry on, good anon.
(((they))) are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the truth, hoping the new wave of (((useful idiots))) will eat it up.
We are NOT taking a single step back in this regard.
Those who do not understand that the racial component is the ENTIRE reason why Trump got elected needs to get the fuck out, immediately.
OUR nation. OUR people. OUR race. OUR culture. OUR language.
Any that would try to subvert this by screeching like some bitch made (((globalist))) shill muh racism muh cuckey muh morality muh muh muh needs to LEARN.
These fucks would use OUR words, Q's words against us by screeching 'no division' when THEY are the ones who can't face reality or our (((enemies))) who act ENTIRELY based on racial and religious hatred.
Spics, nigs, sandniggers et al are just tentacles and tendrils of these (((scum))) who are #1 lackeys of the ((cabal)).
Are they used also? YES.
Are they WILLING, GLEEFUL criminals? YES.
Do they know (((all)))? Perhaps not.
Do they commit crimes and lie to us? YES.
No more cuckery according to newfags.
Let the red pills rain, waking up is up to individuals.
UNITE against degeneracy and cowardice.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!