they are not sending their best
for keks sure it's been up before
darn kess
Most swear words in Arabic are either family or sex related. Other swear words or insults are just based on general gruesome things, such as feces or something similar. As always a word of caution is in order: be careful how and when you use any of these swear words. You never know how things might unravel after you’ve uttered one of these powerful and profane words.
Family Related
You can realize from the post on expressing anger in Arabic that venting off usually involves bashing the person’s family (), specifically the parents () or siblings (). Most insults and Arabic swear words and expressions center on this important fact and in some instances combine parents and siblings in one curse or insult.
1) Kess Ikhtak Pronounced as: KISS EKH-TAK
This is the common equivalent of “f*** your sister” or “damn it,” when a person is pretty annoying or partly before two get in a fistfight. It literally means “your sister’s vagina.” This pretty much bashes the person’s ‘honor’ () because you’re referring to his sister’s genitals.
2) Kess Ommak Pronounced as: KISS OM-MAK
This builds on the previous insult, but this literally means “your mom’s vagina.” This is the common equivalent of “f*** your mom.” This is an escalation from the sister insult because in some instances an individual might not have a sister () but definitely has a mother ().
Sex Related
Many swear words in Arabic center on genitals, sex, prostitution etc.