Anonymous ID: 58b106 April 1, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.8653771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Invisible Enemy, the Silent Virus- Coronavirus + 5G


Maryland Anon here.

Please watch this new video. I have these symptoms.  It's from 5G mhz wifi. Maryland is just getting 5G.


The west coast was first hit because 5G was turned on in January 2020 including New York and the north east. Florida has it since February.  The heartland of America is slow to get the "virus" because as of March 1st it was flipped on and there are mountains trees, vast land that shield the 5 G waves and it disrupt and interfere with the high density waves.


I'm thinking there isn't 5G in the part of France when my husbands friend lives, Secaux, South of Paris. I do know England  has 5G fully up and running. Our Friend went to London,  where he was exposed to the waves that collapsed his lungs and sucked the "oxygen" out, hardening the linings of the lungs over a 2 week period. He had a dry cough and no phlegm. We are very sad because our longtime friend of 25 years died after only 2 weeks. He was 52 yrs old and had several bouts of pneumonia over the years and he smoked, which he had recently switched to vaping. 


There is a new 5G tower that I can take a picture of another day that is servicing my wifi. My cell accepts 5G. Q also tell us Anons 5.5. Could 5.5 also mean 54.9G mhz??? I think so! This is the " Invisible Enemy, the silent Virus" worldwide . Bill gates holds the patent. The target practice city was in  Wuhan province. It's all about the money.


We are expecting 3 days and nights of "darkness" next week around Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday or so???. The towers are coming down. No internet. Cell towers will convert back to 4g. Today, the local internet cable company is working on the lines here and my service is slower. There are trucks in basically all the communities here working on the internet that they installed almost 3 weeks ago. That's one meaning of the darkness. Bill Gates holds the anti virus vaccine as well. I believe when Trump summoned Gates to the White House last year, around this time, Potus demanded the rights to the patent. Blackmail maybe?! I think so. I also believe this is the reason why Ft Detrick was able to come up with a "cure" that has the ingredients of Hydroxychloroquine and z-pak combined in it.


This is the perfect cover to take down the cabal Satanist. I also believe the Hollywoid celebs are freaking out along with the obvious reason of tainted andrenochrome

is the added pain of 5G. No wonder they can't sleep! See what happens when they had to be the first to have the newest and the best toy! 5G.


Thoughts? NOTABLE?!!!