Anonymous ID: 19ecad April 1, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.8654784   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4796 >>4798 >>4809 >>4837 >>4857 >>5002 >>5021 >>5039

3 Days With No Internet, No Phone = Arrests Being Made


David Wilcock said that 4 of his Alliance White Hat sources have told him that between April 1 - April 10 there will be 3 Days of the Internet and Phones being Shut Down.(You can still call 911).

"This is the signal that arrests are being made."


Could be "The 3 Days before Good Friday" - which would be Wed. April 8 - Fri. April 10.


"When you can no longer get online and your phone doesn't work, you gotta wait 3 days. This is the signal that arrests are being made."


He said that his sources authorized him to reveal this because even if the bad guys know this is coming, "there's nowhere for them to run".


8 Hour TV Information for Public Awakening


11:22 "When the TV, the News come back on - They're gonna have an 8 Hour chunk of Information. They're gonna play it 3 times a day. That's all there's going to be"


"This will be Information that tells you that the Planet was being run by a Satanic Cult".ย 


end David Wilcock quotes.

>= = = = = =


Anon side note: Today is April 1, so in a week we'll see if David's Intel holds true.


Re: The 8 Hour Airing of Info for Public Awakening - I have a feeling that David Wilcock will be in it because over 15 ย years ago, he did a Documentary called Financial Tyranny, which explained the Debt Slavery of our planet.


Re: Satanic Cult - Q had a drop with "CULT".


Long video, this one is Part III that he's put out in the last few days. It's already gotten over 2 million views.


David Wilcock was on the first 13 Seasons of Ancient Aliens, the highest rated show in the history of the History Channel.

He has 2 NY Times Best Selling books : The Synchronicity Keys, and The Ascension Mystery.


He has been attacked by the Cabal for years.

Anonymous ID: 19ecad April 1, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.8654990   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5185



None of you haters can seem to wait 9 days til 4.10.20 to see if his reveal pans out .


I'll think he'll be vindicated. and it would shut all the hyenas up when he is In the 8 hour Info stream for Public Awakening put out by POTUS and Qteam.


He who laughs last laughs Best.

Anonymous ID: 19ecad April 1, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.8655128   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5192 >>5203 >>5210 >>5278 >>5335 >>5374



Yesterday a NameFag Shill appeared named oh this board C.W. Chanter , "a lawyer from NJ"โ€ฆ..


a quick digg revealed his real name is Benjamin Zavodnick, a long time CYBER STALKER OF COREY GOODE.


Zavodnick was busted by the FBI for his Malicious attacks on Corey Goode.


He lurks here, and will attack friends of Corey Goodeโ€ฆor any of their info.