Anonymous ID: 3bb59b April 1, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.8655483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So I was watching the briefing tonight and kept my attention on AG Bill Barr and he was so somber, except when Secretary Esperanto said, “ive been hearing about shutting the entire military down during this crisis, and basically that’s never going to happen, we are here to protect the American people”. And then all if sudden the Cheshire Cat smile was broad across AG Barr’s face! I love it when he smiles

Anonymous ID: 3bb59b April 1, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.8655522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572 >>5597 >>5756 >>6009 >>6065 >>6083 >>6108

Rocker Sean Lennon Rips the Media for ‘Wuhan Virus’ Double Standard, Spreading Chinese Communist Data

David Ng1 Apr 2020


Rock musician Sean Lennon, the son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, is slamming the news media for its coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, saying that they are spreading Chinese Communist propaganda and engaging in double standards.


Sean Lennon took to Twitter Wednesday to air his frustration with the way journalists are reporting on the global outbreak, especially when it comes to China. “The official media have lost their legitimacy,” he concluded.


Lennon said that journalists have been parroting official Chinese figures with little skepticism. The rocker appeared to be referring to numerous mainstream media reports claiming that the U.S. has surpassed all countries in terms of COVID-19 diagnoses. But those reports — including those from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal— rely on Beijing’s questionable claim that China has only seen 82,361 cases


Been listening to ‘respectable’ journalists quoting CCP official numbers for months without doubt or hesitation. Calling it the Wuhan Virus but only days later telling ppl who say it’s from China they’re racist. The official media have lost their legitimacy.


On Wednesday, U.S. intelligence officials reportedly concluded that China has been concealing the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak within its borders by under-reporting total cases and deaths. Bloomberg reported on a new intelligence study that found that China’s public reporting is intentionally incomplete and that China’s numbers are fake.

“Why do we need U.S. ‘Intelligence’ to tell us what we all already know?” Lennon tweeted.


Lennon also called out news outlets that have engaged in a double standard by initially calling the illness the “Wuhan virus” only to later tell people that using such terms is racist.


Numerous outlets including CNN, Buzzfeed, and The Washington Post have called the illness the “Wuhan coronavirus” or the “Chinese coronavirus.” But since President Donald Trump started calling it the “Chinese virus,” some of the same outlets have warned that such a name constitutes racist language.

Anonymous ID: 3bb59b April 1, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.8655874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5883

Kroger to Add ‘Hero Bonus’ to Worker Pay During Coronavirus Pandemic


Katherine Rodriguez1 Apr 2020


AP Photo/David J. Phillip



Grocery retailer Kroger announced that it would be giving its employees a “hero bonus” for hours worked between Sunday and April 18.


The bonus is an added $2 per hour on top of the employees’ base rate of pay, WMAZ reported.


The announcement follows the grocery store chain’s previous statement that it would give employees a one-time appreciation bonus, giving full-time workers $300 and part-time workers $150, to be paid out on Thursday.


“Over these past few weeks, our associates from across the country have shown us the true meaning of the word hero,” Tim Massa, Kroger’s chief people officer, said in a video posted on Twitter. “You have been nothing short of extraordinary.”




Anonymous ID: 3bb59b April 1, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.8655925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5979 >>6049

Whelp at least we don’t live in the Philippines, but I still say, Give me Liberty or give me Death!


Philippines’ Duterte Tells Police of Quarantine Violators: ‘Shoot Them

Anonymous ID: 3bb59b April 1, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.8656113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nolte: Advertising Karma Hits Corporate Media and the New York Times Calls for Bailout


…But I digress.

-Now we come to the karma part…

-News consumption is up. Clicks are up. Subscriptions are up. But these media companies are still dying.

-Why? Is it that as the economy shuts down, fewer companies are advertising, even though there’s more traffic?

-Well, that’s certainly part of it, but here — and this is important — is where the true ravaging of those newspaper advertising rates is coming from:

-In February, “coronavirus” became the second-most common word on block lists for news publishers, up from eighth-most common in January, according to Integral Ad Science data (The number one most-common was — you guessed it — “Trump”). Across the open web, Coronavirus was the third-most common block list entry in February, after not even ranking in the top ten in January, IAS data showed….

-The pace of the blocking looks to be accelerating, too, as more advertisers add the word to their lists and the volume of content about the outbreak grows…

-Advertisers have always wanted to avoid coverage of the most upsetting topics, and many prefer to avoid the news altogether. Joe Barone, the managing partner of brand safety at GroupM, noted that less than one third of GroupM’s clients are blocking coronavirus terms, and those that aren’t either don’t advertise against news at all or don’t do a lot of keyword blocking in general.

-Let me boil this down for you…

-Most advertisers purchase online advertising programmatically, through ad networks. With programmatic advertising, advertisers basically buy people, not publishers. They identify a person by, for example, past search history or they buy information, and then market directly to that specific person — whether that person is on their favorite sports site, news site, YouTube, wherever that person likes to visit… The ads follow the person. Notable exceptions are porn sites.

-Trump was elected, and the left-wing blacklisters came along.

-And therein lies the karma.

-Blacklisters like Media Matters and Sleeping Giants have mercilessly harassed advertisers advertising on right-of-center sites including Breitbart News, and have tried to get advertisers to block programmatic ads to conservative news websites in order to defund those websites — to put them out of business.

-So, for example, using social media, boycotters send to ABC Company a screenshot of its advertising next to a Breitbart story that offends the left and asks something like, “Do you support this HATE!?!?!” (A lie to begin with). In their McCarthyite zeal to destroy Breitbart and other conservative publishers, the boycotters then harassed ABC company until it pulled its advertising.

-And in so doing, the blacklisting left made a move antithetical to the central concept of programmatic advertising: they made the advertisers make conscious choices about where their ads would appear. And here’s the rub…

-Turns out — as you read in the story excerpted above — advertisers not only care which news publishers their programmatic ads appear on, they began to care about which specific content their ads appeared against. Plane crash story? We don’t want to sell cars next to that story! COVID-19? We don’t want to sell cars against those stories! As is so often the case, the blacklisters created a monster that they can no longer control — a monster now running amok destroying establishment media outlets, too.

-This changed the entire dynamic of advertising.

-Terrified advertisers now, when placing ad buys, add words to a block list so that their product will not appear next to certain content. And now, as you read above, one of the most popular words on the block list is “coronavirus,” and what subject is every news outlet in America covering right now? The coronavirus. The very subject skittish advertisers want nothing to do with for fear a Sleeping Giants or a Media Matters or another member of the left-wing Appropriate Police will launch a hate jihad against them: How dare you profit from death!

-Here’s the short version: While Sleeping Giants and Media Matters were relentlessly pushing to blacklist Breitbart out of business, they ended up altering the way advertisers place their ads, and now that alteration is threatening to annihilate the mainstream news media whose ideas the blacklisters DO approve of.

-And now we come to the moral of the story…

-In fact, the same New York Times that’s currently freaking out over the collapse of these media outlets is the same New York Times that shamefully published a how-to guide to “destroy” Breitbart News, and did so by explicitly praising the tactics employed by Sleeping Giants.

-Like I said… Karma.