Anonymous ID: 52f0dd April 1, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8656923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6976 >>6987 >>7552 >>7683

Another Anon did a major dig into Quetzalcoatl, crop circles, Aztec legends….


The "Feathered Serpent" credited with bringing knowledge of astronomy, math, and megalithic architecture to the ancient Meso-Americans.

Depicted with odd technology, cockpit, helmet, microphones.

The Great Awakening of this age will bring new technologies, medical breakthroughs, and a new age of enlightenment.

Here are a few more odd attributes…


His arrival will be signaled by a comet.


"Oumuamua" was the first and only interstellar object ever recorded.

It passed through our solar system in 2017, shaped like a cigar , largely metallic as there was no moisture or outgassing.

It's speed and acceleration confounded experts, and serious debates of natural or of intelligent composition were discussed.

The name Oumuamua means, "Messenger from afar", or more literally, "the first scout of a military force."

The second one did arrive.

At Christmas time last year, 2019. With much less fanfare.

Comet Borisov.

The SECOND interstellar object in history.

Two years apart.

Except this one DID contain moisture, and began outgassing as it approached the Sun, creating a tail.

A bona fide interstellar comet.

Not visible to the naked eye, but a harbinger like no other.

And now comet Atlas.

A 6,000 year round trip.


[Q]uetzalcoatl is not only god of Wisdom, but of "Wind".

The Storm.

Also considered to be a jester, a cosmic comedian.



Is [Q]uetzalcoatl a time traveler hunting Satanic cabal child sacrificers in different ages?

Maybe a devine archangel that appears in different epochs of time to bring truth and knowledge?

At the very least, it shows that these events are symbolic as fuck, bigger than ourselves, and lining up with ancient spiritual deities and religious prophecy from antiquity.