In the UK they are called "newsreaders" which I find to be far more appropriate.
Also, I identify with the first meme :)
In the UK they are called "newsreaders" which I find to be far more appropriate.
Also, I identify with the first meme :)
True, but is the current focus really digs/memes on Biden/Romania? I think that was what was in it a while ago, noticed in the dough (I'm not a baker) but didn't mention it b/c I don't like to cause trouble or hassle bakers. j/s
>Things can be dropped off and traded in neutral places, without any contact. People post information and pics of what they have extra and also say what they are looking for in exchange. No money changes hands, so minimal contamination possibilites.
Beautiful. Spirit of America
>Some lady has duck and chicken eggs and is looking for only one night stand
Weird. I died and there was no river.
>The cartels are the army of the deepstate.
It wasn't any of those, nothing like that at all. I am not interested in fake knowledge-keepers or those who would deign to 'instruct' us on this planet as if we are idiots who need it.
None of your bullshit is true, and no one needs you. That, for (you), is a fate worse than death.
You don't understand that there have to be normie-friendly venues for information? Various outlets and personalities to convey the info to the public who are at varying degrees of understanding?
How can you not understand that by now?
>not sure what you mean by "looking at it" when asked about refugee and undocumented people getting money.
Seemed like a very polite way of saying "fuck no, are you kidding me? We're not giving WuFluBux to illegals" without saying so directly.
You have to remember he's walking a fine line and has to keep a lot of plates spinning at the same time.
Social media is actually a catalog. If more parents knew and understood this, things would be a bit more difficult for these assholes.