checkin in
hey OSS, who was playin in my dough today?
So it was the Server and lag
I thought so
I baked at the catalog, picked up the thread in the index
missed bread link cause I thought 720, then all of a sudden 750
worried me
yeah, about that, had g1 issue to deal with, new nurse, new info, confusion, it's become more of an issue with him to be confused and want to strike out, takes time
ReeGee does it all the time, we all jelly he does it consistently keks
it's lag for me, I don't even try, just getting that link in is a good one for me
at the top in globals is the iwo jima vid, use it in TOR instead of pic, it works, that's why posted, lost of troubles for awhile, seems last few days DDOS going on, I've done a lot of using the index instead of the catalog, faster, reliable
that's weird, I woulda given you bad dough, not accuse you, was worried and let you know in note
keks, the twists
no, don't accuse, warn you I did, thought it might be the server cause dough is dough but changed the first page of dough then it was fine
reset my pastebin settings, idk
capcha X4
ebo T started that donut shit
10lbs later all anons doin it
that vid, for TP
kekkin my ass off
that was me then, not veli, I made those changes, from dough provided
g'nite gy