Anonymous ID: 4ec93f April 4, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.8683574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I do think he's a good person, but he's just getting a lot of bad information.

and he has no retraint and anger issues.

but some of his personalities are very fun.


unfortunately he must have been made to do the Antitrump shill because? ? Well I don't know but by then I had decided that I like him and I don't take it back though I very much dislike what he says about Trump.


I think his function is so that the boards are defintely not partisan.

Anonymous ID: 4ec93f April 4, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.8683598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

May Anjel make peace with whatever vexes him. May he find the love and laughter and light and Truth that he only seems to be able to larp about. May he find a suitible life partner, one that will help him to overcome his anger and his hatred of people who he doesn't really know (from the news). and may he understand that the Christ , Jesus Christ, is for all, including those who imagine that they are Mayan.

You are also 'Hisin' as in : His , as in Jesus Christ's friend.


Anjel you get nothing buy prayers from me.

but your behavior brings other stuff to you becuase you maintain a bullshit narrative.


love, laughter, light, and truth to you!

Anonymous ID: 4ec93f April 4, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.8685019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5374


his latest is him making really strange eyes while staring at the sun.

I hope he's not really someone's mindslave because that's the look he's putting out.

I see him as the sad and regretful person he was a year ago, broken of some bad part of himself for a short season as the contrite famefag who'd been booted from the bread.

but now he's got the vibe of a mindslave.

Break out of it, Anjel.

we want to draw you back from the vortex that youve gotten hypnotized by.


but he's who he is.

and he's doing what he does.

we can't catch him if he falls that well, but at least give him a splash down spot so he just makes a big wave, as part of a performance, and he's fine after it's all over and we know it was all a stage show and he's been on the correct side, his own side, this whole time wishing no one real ill or harm except as a backatcha for precieved flights which he gets from being fed missinformation.


and in the next issue he's free of whatever ever vexes him now, makes him do the weird eyes and then . . . post it!

he didn't just do the weird eyes, he also posted them


so that's just wrong . . .

except that he's anjel-larp

and maybe he's even just an AI by now, the real guy having been kidnapped and broght to comet flamer shill skull.


Get well, be well, wish your audience well, that includes kings and presidents and presidential wives, you bitch, anjel-larp!

Anonymous ID: 4ec93f April 4, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8685696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642


it's a hit job on a guy who's a bit of a known guy.

he's got his purpose. It's not what I agree to. I think he might get arrested for stupid threats. . . .

but I like him

so there is that.

I like Donald Trump much more.


when someone makes threats it definitely causes problems. Even if they are idol threats, someone must investigate when threats are serious and important people are named in them.

Anonymous ID: 4ec93f April 4, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.8690004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0766


he's just blowing smoke.

He's really someone who wants to be a good person. I can tell. He's just a bit unhinged at times due to ? ? ?

the fucked up way that the world is? He says stupid stuff about the president, which sucks.

but he's not realy acting on anything.

He's a performer.

He's got his own mission.

He's within his right to be jerky about stuff.