>We have been talking to AI quantum computer Q this whole time.
I believe, you're right.
And I hate the thought, that we didn't talk to a human.
I really hate it.
>We have been talking to AI quantum computer Q this whole time.
I believe, you're right.
And I hate the thought, that we didn't talk to a human.
I really hate it.
>The 'who' of Q hasn't mattered to anyone that figured out the 'why'.
Thre is a difference between believing that an anonymous person is talking to you, or a 'machine'.
Machines, or Q-computers don't care about people.
Only people are able to care about people.
That's the difference.
You are changing my subject.
I never talked about truth or lies.
I talked about machines vs. people and that machines/ computers are not able to be emphatic in a human sense.
Be it as it may-
I really trust Potus.
As a German, I stand with 45.
I do this since 2015.