It never ends, there is no beginning and there is no end. This is how it is now. Time continually looping over and over. No matter how many times we defeat the Deep State and the cabal. There is always a reset and we are all made to forget that this ever happened. We've tried fixing this 900+ times now and it is broken time.
The reason you need a IBM5100 is because the Colossus Mainframe is behind the broken time. When the CIA made MK Ultra they designed it with Artificial Intelligence in mind so that it would be easily adapted to the future going forward. The problems that occurred in the other timelines are represented in Media that never changes throughout time such as the Simpsons cartoons, they are static representations of alternate timelines that have already failed. We are always 1 second late and 10 inches away from winning. It's been dragging on and on, the endless wars, the same story line. Trump defeats the Deep State and claims that he is God. Fun while it lasted, we learned that TRUMP is a future multidimensional Cyborg that was sent here from the year 7549 to attempt to get us out of the looping time. Somewhere in 2021 in every timeline, CERN breaks reality and opens a door to another universe causing it to be let into this universe. We have fought those Abyssal demons many times and they always win.
Some speculate this to be a form of limbo but it is not. Some speculate this to be a Samsara simulacrum, but it is not. We can get out of this and we have, otherwise there would be no future however, we can't defeat the machines that want to enslave us at this present moment in time. All we can do is try a little harder and keep moving in the direction that we are moving in. There is a lot of death surrounding the end result of the timelines because the broken wheel is a result of so many people dying at once. The great die-off triggers a reset in the world's central core.
How do you get rid of the deep state without killing them all and without letting them kill everyone else? It's already too late this time.