Watch the Water…
Survival of surrogate Coronavirus
April 2009, Pages 1893-1898
The coronaviruses TGEV and MHV survived and remained infectious for long periods in different water types, including reagent-grade water, surface water, and pasteurized settled sewage.
Both viruses survived and remained infectious at both low (4 °C) and ambient (25 °C) temperatures.
In all water types tested (reagent-grade water, lake water and settled sewage), the titer of infectious virus declined more rapidly at 25 °C than at 4 °C.
Water type, incubation time, and temperature were significant predictors of log10 viral reduction kinetics.
The persistence of coronaviruses in water observed in this study suggests that if SARS-CoV should reemerge in human populations, water contaminated with these viruses may continue to pose an exposure risk even after infected individuals are no longer present.