Anonymous ID: a6bfb5 April 2, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8661083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1313

With the knowledge came warnings.

The 'force' is there for all, good and evil.

To use for evil aligns one with similar forces, tactics and intents, with greater knowledge and powers.

They will all be consumed by their fear, and those who wield it with greater zeal.

They Know these Entities, as their knowledge has led them to be manipulated by greed and fear to ally with far darker spirits than their own.

Thus, we have Empathy.

The Fear is compelling, and stoked to a tempest, directed to us all as infants. None of us are immune or innocent, that I know of. We are all tempted to 'get in on it', rather than to fight what seems a vain and hopeless struggle against the 'IN YOUR FACE', 'I OWN YOU' culture grown to discourage.

The weak are yours, Cabal.

Those You Served will Feast on Your Soul in ways that you are Incapable of imagining, as that is the way of knowledge. As you treated the innocent, so shall you be treated, and so helpless, innocent, and raped and ravaged you will be.

I understand your plight, and pray that you take your first step in the right direction with strength and dignity, as we are all on the same path.

Your to the back of the line, tho.