I stumbled across this video on yt and am posting it here for any video editing anons out there to edited down to a political commercial.
Content of video: Joe Biden, as a 29 yr old Senator, (who looks like he is 40) gifted us with gaff video from 1974 where he is discussing campaign finance reform.
"Senator Biden, it's nice to have you here. As the youngest member of the Senate; the one therefore, who may expect the longest career there…., (what did they know, when did they know it, no coincidences?
"Well, I'm not sure you should assume I'm not corrupt, but thank you for that though. The system does produce corruption I think implicit in the system is corruption…you have to go to those people who have money. And they always want something."@6:53; "See, I went to the Big Guys to prostitute myself in the manner in which I talked about it."
Odd how gaffs out of his young mouth are palatable to the audience (truth spoken as a joke) yet are devastating out of his now old mouth.