Of you need money you could ask the DoD who’s missing how much US taxpayer money? 20 Trillion? 30 Trillion? You expect the slaves in the US to continue to pay taxes and then send some of that money to terrorist organizations that kill US soldiers. Effectively making the US taxpayers complicit in the death of our own sons and daughters who serve.
Nance is worth $200 millions and when she flies on the taxpayer dime we have to pay for her and her families vodka and food.
We also fund sexual harassment settlements for members of Congress who haven’t learned the most basic we teach our children - keep your hands to yourself. And then you keep that list a secret because we wouldn’t want the truth impacting an election would we?
No American should ever pay taxes again until this shit stops. Go find the money we’ve already had to give. You have ‘Leader’ in your title. Lead.