Anonymous ID: 216c75 April 2, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.867152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7161

Sorry for long post, I just want to share a message for people who have found their way here because of Roseanne, as sort of a primer. Qanon is the best spy novel ever written.

This is about a struggle between good vs. evil. Read Q's crumbs and do the legwork on a search engine (preferably not Google); you'll find bad people of every shape and color in this world. Identity politics are a distraction meant to divide us so we will not notice what is happening behind our backs. United we are stronger than we know.

We're not just Making America Great Again. The purpose of this movement is to make the world great and to help the 99.99%, those who have been oppressed by an elite ruling class, a family that spans the world and shares a common goal of enslaving or culling the rest of us. They exploit, torture, and kill children and adults for a number of reasons, and they have been doing this for a very long time (think thousands of years). Throughout those millennia they gained almost ultimate power. Their misdeeds are frequently exposed, but downplayed by the media. (Cases in point: Dennis Hastert, Jimmy Savile, Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Anthony Weiner.)

It's a "conspiracy theory" only because it involves a conspiracy. I invite you to consult a dictionary.

The "theory" proves true. The people don't see it because they are being manipulated en masse on a tremendous scale, especially considering that the phrase "conspiracy theory" was first brought to the public by the CIA in the wake of JFK's assassination (which occurred whilst he was in the process of exposing the conspiracy).

George HW Bush (who served as the agency's director under Ford, and as US Ambassador to the UN under Nixon, in addition to serving as VP and POTUS) called it the New World Order, but it's called many other things as well. Its name is less important than the names of the tools, big and small, utilized to carry it out. If you don't know about these things (and how they intersect), you should look them up.

The Project for a New American Century. Big Pharma. Lockheed. CIA. CFR. Gannett. Tegna. The Associated Press. FBI. CPS. Kingdom Holding Companies. Google. Facebook. Twitter. 23andme. New Life Children's Refuge. The Bohemian Club. Boys Town. The Trilateral Commission. The list goes on. It reaches up to the Vatican, Hollywood, and the British Throne, and it reaches down to local sheriffs' departments, pimps, spies, and a Washington DC pizzeria owner who somehow made #49 on GQ's Most Powerful People in Washington list.

You can't imagine the evil done by these conspirators in the name of plans laid by their ancestors. They are the descendents of those who bought and sold slaves, they are those who fund both sides of wars, they are those who sponsor the coordination of human trafficking through government institutions and in the wake of disasters, and they are those who made the decision to send young Americans to guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan. They are those who control the value of the very currency in your pocket.

While we're on it, take it out of your pocket and look at it. It's paper. Fake money, backed by your belief that it's worth something. That symbol on the back, the pyramid with the eye? You're gonna see a lot of those here. To boil it down to its bare bones, that eye thinks it owns you.

The good news is that a lot of people who have done bad things have done so either because they were made to by threat or by force. Many of these people are also mentally ill, due to shared traumatic experiences in childhood designed to mold them into perfect candidates for their field (music, acting, intelligence, espionage, and so on). They were born into a cult.

The cult is losing the war against the people. They are in their death throes. desperate to keep you from finding the truth. They are using everything in their toolbox against POTUS Donald Trump, because he is defeating them. To be more precise, we are defeating them, with our president to lead the way.

Welcome to the Great Awakening. You are safe. Dig. Meme. Pray. Learn.