Sir Owen Green
and Lord James Hanson,
Children of Green in the Epstein Black Book
Hanson himself in the Epstein Black Book.
They pillaged US manufacturing in the 80s and 90s.
Why did JFK claim Joe Biden to be a traitor?
Exactly for this.
Clinton et. al. hemorrhaged US manufacturing to China.
Dig BTR plc.
Dunlop Tyre/Rubber connected to John Baring, as he was a director.
Precursor to Henniges Automotive purchased by BTR, supplier to Jaguar, of which John Baring was a director.
Both bought by BTR.
Dig Hanson plc
Purchased Smith Corona, once a type writer company, now makes many labels and thermal codes used the world over.
Allied Paper Corporation
More and more corporate pilfering by the royal aristocrats.
So why would Joe Biden be a traitor as early as the 80s and 90s? enough so that JFK Jr. noticed?