Yeah..that clown doesn't need a stimulus…
sent you the picture or the text..
I volunteer. They deserve a proper burial. Also, Q better have plans for public hangings. Justice will demand real action. None of this life in prison bullshit.
Cool, so can you post another text from him to verify. Content wont matter.
No proof, no great awakening. So if you live in NYC go get proof.
Thanks. I'm inclined to believe it now.
Yeah, timeline matches, phone info matches, I requested something not planned for, he followed through quickly. Real hard to discredit unless you can produce that same pic.
Where jews live. Imagine that.
and this would discredit it. See, it's not so hard to verify things.
Yah. Well done. That's the sauce needed.
In the past they burned witches at the stake. I think that is an excellent idea.
Maybe, but still useful. The more the public thinks outside the box, the better. It would actually do more good than harm.
Hes been dead.