Well, I would say that our POTUS just royally ripped Chuck U Schumer a new fucking ass. And rightfully so. This sub human blight is one of the most despicable, vile, dishonest pieces of shit to ever soil the upper chamber and that is really taking the cake compared to other P'sOS that have been there.
It is my dearest and most sincere hope that Charles Schumer's name is listed prominently in that "Life Insurance" folder on Anthony Weiner's laptop along with a detailed list of where, when, who and how his crimes against humanity was committed.
In hope of all this, I eagerly look forward to the day when this pathetic, petty, evil, treasonous lump of cellular matter is arrested by Military Police. Taken out of the senate in handcuffs and driven to JBA where he is put on a Military Transport to join the other filth there, flown to Guantanamo Bay and tried in front of our Military Courts, found guilty of all count of High Crimes, Treason and Crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging with sentencing to be carried out the very next morning. No appeals, no mercy. Just the loud and abrupt snap of his filthy neck when that trap door opens and his wretched body falls.
Not to be done just yet, this pathetic excuse for a blighted human being will then be destined to burn in the hottest, most squalid, stenched filled trappings of hell for the rest of eternity.
btw……………….I volunteer to put that noose, real nice and tight like, around his filthy, evil, soiled neck.