Anonymous ID: 7bf81f April 2, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.8667676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951 >>8092

A related stringer posted by the same OP was also decoded earlier today. Repost for anons that haven't seen it and may have an interest. No I don't have a Twitter account, I don't have a Youtube account, I'm not a namefag or personality of any kind. Just an anon like you, with an interest in solving codes that might bear on our research here.


For those who are interested in stringers (yes I know, any post like this will draw instant shills like white on rice). BTW I am NOT a datefag or clockfag, and I have NEVER datefagged at any time throughout the entire Q operation.


I'm examining this short stringer:


Anonymous 04/02/20 (Thu) 10:19:26 09f9d7 (3) No. >>8661857 PB >>8661926 PB

>>8661716 PB

10 dk

Dark to Light

Light at END

Sun [SON]



This one actually seems straightforward. Anons' input respectfully requested, as always.


BTW, I am the anon who has said hundreds of times that "10 days OF darkness" is just an urban legend. This drop seems to refute muh opinion and so I eat crow and walk back muh opinion.


>10 dk

Ten days dark

I don't know what kind of dark.

Dark inside tunnels?

Dark where captives are?

Dark signifies military fighting within dark tunnels?

Spiritual darkness? People who turned away from God are said to be in darkness.

The darkness of ignorance / not knowing?

Physical darkness as in lack of sunlight, lack of electricity, lack of telecomms?


>Dark to Light

A period of dark will be followed by light.

Capital "L" light – is that a particular kind of light? Perhaps symbolic light, as in illumination being symbolic of understanding? Shining spiritual light upon evil deeds that were done in darkness?


>Light at END

A time that previous stringers designed as END is when the light will happen. Pic related is >>8661761 PB.

END = the time when all those things anons decoded in >>8663417 will have been solved/fixed.


>Sun [SON]

Sun = the Sun

Sun = Sunday

Sunday April 12th, 2020 is the date that Christians celebrate Easter, the resurrection of God's [SON] Jesus Christ.

4/12/20 is also the date of the wave sheaf Offering that follows Passover, according to God's lunar calendar in the Bible specifying the date to celebrate Passover each year. This Old Testament holy day on which some Christians celebrate Christ's resurrection falls on the same date as Easter in 2020 (it doesn't always).



Christians instantly recognize this Bible verse as

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


So if the guess about 10 days dark followed by light is correct, then from today, April 2nd through and including April 11 corresponds to 10 days dk. Then END and Light correspond to Sunday, April 12, 2020.


I'm going to go way out on a limb and say this appears to be the very important date we've all been waiting so long for.

OK, shills and anons, your turn.

