Anonymous ID: d23baa April 2, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.8668485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8504 >>8507 >>8516 >>8592 >>8600 >>8821 >>8908 >>8964

quick list from POTUS stuff @ presser


(POTUS tie = Steer Away in maritime)

Handing out checks soon,

Economic relief on it's way

Nursing Homes ~ no unauthorized personnel ~ taking care of elderly


Over 100,000 test a day (stated twice) tests moving rapidly


DPA enacted for ventilator production to combat covid 19

cov-id has become a very famous term


Signed element of DPA against 3M


(screen in background flashes 27,19,22,5.6 & 7,6, 28)


talked to Mary Abott of GM re: ventilators


FEMA still delivering supplies


3000 beds to Tavid Center staffed by Mil/Feds - 2,500 or 2,900 capacity

48 icu beds

4 million n95 masks/respirators

Says 4 million 3 more times

1.8 million masks

360,000 faceshields

1.4 million gloves

4,400 ventilators just to NY, NY- hotspot

Louisiana & Texas getting Mil/Fed help next, staffing these hospitals 'above & beyond'

USNS Comfort in NY for non covid

POTUS requesting help from Medical professionals for covid cities

POTUS speaks out against Pelosi's politicking bull shit "investigation" during this time of 'crisis' not only for the U.S. but for the world, whom we plan on helping as well.

Americans are Awesome PATRIOTS!

In it TogetHer!




Message from end of last guy's speech… Never Again will America be with out the critical supply infrastructure to handle crises by ensuring we manufacture them in the U.S.A.!

America First! That's what anon calls WINNING!


POTUS: "I'm baaaaaack…"

Mentions allowing shipments, Italy/ventilators.

If fed is bidding on same product/s as state a system is in place to stop fed/state bidding 'war'

151 countries w/ this problem

thousands ventilators being built

Fed gov building stockpile now that should've been done by individual states.

(Where's all that money you guys already received to build stockpiles? Lookin' @ U NY, CA & etc)

Fed is backup not primary… (states where's the fuggin money? and who's getting rich selling this stuff right now? And unnecessary panic is causing the demand for this supply)

Suspicious reporter asks suspect Q re: Obummer "Care" conjob

We're doing better than that by giving average American citizens cash on hand for covid.

POTUS reiterates some States utter negligence preparing & Chuck Schumer's ignorance of who's running/working on current situation, a very well respected Naval officer is in charge.

Q about MBS/Russia/Oil/barrels per day, states he's not sure exactly what they'll do, might agree to more than 10mil bar oil, then confirms they talked actual numbers Russia 10 mil, both countries hurting

Maybe 10(says 10 3's) or 15(says 15 3 x's)

Too much oil just sitting in ships/storage tanks. Hopefully it'll happen soon, but deals can be broken, another alternative if they break deal, but thinks they'll come to the table.

ANOTHER Q re: Healthcare costs due to covid, (here's there new 4am talking point, "Obummercare would've saved lives if Trump hadn't killed it" )

Pence answers redundant Q by repeating the same facts that came out days ago.

Compensating hospitals directly for covid & expanded coverage on Medi/Medi.



Anonymous ID: d23baa April 2, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8668504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8507 >>8600 >>8821 >>8908 >>8964


Gov of Fla decided to lockdown on his own.


No we're not making masks mandatory

but you can wear them… or a nice thick scarf if you wanna… (tee hee potus)


Dr Burks feilds ridiculous Q re: face masks being worse for spreading illness by ignoring it and giving some excellent points re distribution of necessities to hospitals by listening to those on front lines. NY/NJ hot zones Gives upcoming hot spot states as Louisiana, Michigan, Connecticut, Indiana, Georgia, Illinois, Colorado, DC, Massachusetts.

(Her scarf means Emergency signals flying are to be obeyed as soon as understood in maritime)


Suspicious reporter frames Q re: Naval officer who rightfully got BTFO'd for leaking his own letter as retribution by POTUS admin.

POTUS: That job is below my paygrade dummy.


Suspicious reporter in red jacket tries to throw NY/NJ dereliction of duty to it's citizenry in POTUS's lap… bitch pahlease I'm pretty sure I made a clear signal when I cut off China when this shit began, it's not my fault these states are corrupt.


Reporter asks about possibility of more bans

POTUS: I have no problems banning mutha fuckahs! Wouldn't be the 1st time might not be the last… lookin atchu Fake News!


Reporter in red dress: Are U gonna do a National stay @ home order so Governor's don't have to shoulder this responsibility?


POTUS: Nope.


Reporter guy: Did you ask Russia for supplies?

POTUS: Nope, they happened to have excess med equip & THINGS & I'll take it!

It was a very nice gesture.

Reporter guy asks suspect follow up Q about Russian propaganda

POTUS: Internally screams…Are you fuckin kidding me? The fuck outta here twerp!

Outwardly no I'm not worried about that.


Reporter asks about solidarity w/ Iran while they're being hit so hard by covid

POTUS: Yeah… they're hit hard on that & their economy & on their military.

Follow up Q re: Sanctions… (hmmm why does she care)

POTUS: Well Iran hasn't even asked so…

but if they do wanna meet we'd be willing to meet w/ them to "settle the whole thing out".

Reporter lady But the sanctions are hurting the people! The average person in Tehran can't pick up the phone & call you.

(WTF lady Americans can't even just pick up the phone & call POTUS!)


POTUS: I think the people of Iran love America, they'd love to be free & they'd love to have just some of things we have.

Recalls Iran before they were taken over by extremists & the beautiful real estate businesses that abruptly ended in the 70's, Iranians remember those days to. We're not looking for government change there.

Argumentative reporter escalates attack by asking if POTUS is urging other countries to be concerned about Iran.

(Seriously WTF who's this lady really working for here?)


POTUS: I put it out very publicly if they need help with the virus we'll help, we have the greatest medical pro's worldwide…


(She interrupts worse than Hannity at this point… just kidding luv you (no homo) big guy!)

Pushes him on getting other countries to help Iran again.

POTUS: Bitch did you forget Iran's government is literally at war with us right now, they're still launching fucking missiles at our us in Iraq! And while I'm at it fuck the Iran deal & Obama's pallets of cash too!

She. Just. Won't. Stop. asks Q about moral responsibility?


POTUS: If they needed help I'd consider other thin….


Interrupts again but muh UN says poor Iran!

POTUS: This is U.S.A. not UN dumb ass

Points out Iran has biggest case of virus, worst on earth… and the fact THEY HAVEN'T ASKED FOR OUR HELP NEXT!


2/3 apparently

Anonymous ID: d23baa April 2, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.8668507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8600 >>8821 >>8908 >>8964



Many states are doing great keeping covid #'s down. Our country as a whole has done phenomenal

Sneaks in jab at press's abysmal job covering current situation.

He's been so nice to Governor's in calls & all seems well until he sees Governors from opposition on TV saying he didn't do enough. They assume he's not watching but he's watching them all VERY CLOSELY.


Q about Prisons

POTUS: There's vulnerable & then there's close togetHer ;-)

Alotta young people in prison

I haven't done it but certain states have let people out, some are very serious criminals

We don't like it, looking at stopping it.


Q about 6.6 unemployed Americans

POTUS: 4 weeks ago, (just after dems impeachment failure), we had the greatest economy in the world, in the history of the world, most jobs ever in history of U.S., almost 160,000 million jobs, 1 day I getta call from Debbie & Dr. Fauci re: covid & closing up U.S.A., not since 1917 has it been this bad b/c it's so contagious, if this reporter here sneezed at me I'd probably get it, it's such a contagious thing. 1917 over 100 yrs ago Weather it was 100 mill or 75 some say 50-75 i've heard 75-100.

It was 10's of millions of people, but now we have the advantage of communications/comms via internet & tv

people are watching

Back then they didn't know what was happening & it's amazing more Americans didn't die even though it started here & went to Europe where it was much worse relatively we lost way less than Europe.

This is a terrible thing happening now with ppl & jobs. We have built the greatest economy in the world together. After getting intel from various officials had no choice but to shut down, 6.6 mill w/o jobs not b/c of a recession it's ARTIFICIAL.

ppl getting paid to stay home costing $2.2 trillion in stimulus… so far. To get restaurants/businesses back you do deductibility, a lotta ppl don't know that a lotta restaurants closed when deductibility ended… was a great thing.

Infrastructure, we can borrow money longterm @ 0% now, b/c U.S.A. is safe harbor for $$$.

When we do come back it'll be boon/m time

We've learned about borders, reliance on other countries, we've learned so much we really have a chance to be bigger, better & stronger, but 1st we must defeat this enemy.