My First Little Golden Book About Q: for Normies.
Just listened to Jack Psob… whatever … trash Q on Stefan Molyneux's channel. Not surprising, but I was taken aback by how Molyneux preemptively dismissed Q out-of-hand. Molyneux is usually more analytical.
To all dubious normies like Molyneux, I would say this:
The Q community is huge and constitutes a correspondingly huge block of potential Trump voters come November. But if Q is exposed as a larp, then all of these presumed Trump voters could be utterly deflated and derailed right before the election. So, you don't think Trump would have addressed that by now?
If Trump has no hand in Q, then he has no control over the Q phenomenon; and this just seems too unlikely given what is at stake. If Trump loses in November, he's going to be criminally prosecuted for [whatever] by a democratic administration whose acolytes will demand nothing less.
Normies like to dismiss Trump as stupid and brusque, but Trump won the White House on his first try and he did so while being excoriated by the media. He won without any prior public sector experience and he beat the most powerful political [Clinton] machine since Tammany. The man is no fool and he knows politics. Trump would never tolerate such a dangerous political booby-trap when all he would have to do to neutralize it is to simply disavow Q in a tweet. And yet, crickets. What does that tell you?
Trump is not ignorant and Trump hates to lose. Q, therefore, cannot possibly be some pimply-faced soyboy who dribbles tears of laughter all over a keyboard while surrounded by the complete works of Tom Clancy. It is even more unlikely that Q is a psyop run by the Ds. Normies shouldn't be so quick to dismiss Q, even if Q is cryptic. There must be a connection between POTUS and Q. There is too much at stake for there not to be.
Normies take notice.