Anonymous ID: 10331d April 3, 2020, 1:04 a.m. No.8671234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1256





I've been looking at this plandemic/quarantine wrong.

It's not either The Plan or The Virus.

It's The Plan AND the virus.

It's us VS. THE CABAL.


BG/China/WHO/CDC/UN plan for and release a virus.

We co-opt it, use it against them.

Travel bans.


Cabal hit back - too strict, racist.

We hit back - prescient, necessary.

Traitors hit back - Peachmints

We hit back - waste of taxpayer money - HOAX.

Mockingbird hits back - China Virus epidemic!

We hit back - Panic-agenda hoax.

Globalists hit back - POTUS not serious.

We hit back - Shut down. China Virus.

Them - Racist! COVID-19.

Us - China. Chloroquine.

Them - Ban Chloroquine! Fish tank poison! Shut down the country - Mail-in ballots! Economy bad. Orange Man Bad! Did nothing!

We hit back - FED DED.

They hit back - Vanderbilt, DARPA, NIH,

"global effort"/vaccines/microchips/antibody-based treatments.

We hit back again. Chloroquine, Azythromycin.

We hit back again. MERCY. COMFORT.


We hit back - SHIPS!

MKULTRA - Train wreck FF!



We are witnessing a war. This is not all "part of" The Plan.

The Plan is THE WAR.

Timelines change. Plans adjust. We will prevail.

The children will be freed.

They will continue to try and stop it.

They will continue to try and kill as many of us as possible.

They've said so, publicly.

They've written it in granite.

They've had conferences and scenarios practicing for it.


BG is public enemy No.1

in a long list of Satanic whack jobs.

160,000+ indictments each containing up to 200 names.

≤ 32,000,000 possible

If you only knew how bad things really are.

We are watching a war.