Anonymous ID: 81e2dc April 2, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.8670758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0837 >>0921



Clyburn is behind this. Clyburn is also the one who got Biden over the hump. Biden (connection to Obama) must be the only one who can stop blacks moving to Trump. Trying to push the narrative that the Wuhan flu is designed to infect Blacks more is whale shit level depravity, and has to be counter-attacked hard.


sauce: (there are many others)


Video of Carville wrt Clyburn:


Back during the net neutrality battle (2009) , Clyburn's daughter (also a race baiter, IMO) was appointed to the FCC by Obama.


Tells me dems are scared shitless of losing the blacks.