Anonymous ID: 8e3ff1 April 2, 2020, 11:12 p.m. No.8670736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0784


Coronavirus crisis in France sparks antisemitic conspiracy theories


In recent weeks, a caricature of Agnes Buzyn, France’s previous health minister who was Jewish, pouring poison into a well — a depiction of one of the most prevalent theories that led to pogroms during the Black Death plague — has made the rounds on French social media. It’s been shared tens of thousands of times.

Another viral image superimposes Buzyn’s face on the “happy merchant” anti-Semitic caricature, which shows a grinning Jewish man rubbing his palms together.

Then there’s a widely shared video accusing Buzyn and her husband, Yves Levy, also Jewish, of withholding chloroquine — an anti-malarial drug being touted as a possible coronavirus antidote by some, including President Donald Trump, but whose effectivity against the coronavirus is unproven — from the French public for financial gain. It garnered 170,000 views on YouTube before being deleted.

Anonymous ID: 8e3ff1 April 2, 2020, 11:41 p.m. No.8670884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Marseille’s maverick chloroquine doctor becomes pandemic rock star


French virologist Didier Raoult was one of the first to administer the malaria drug to Covid-19 patients


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"In the US, Dr Raoult’s message about chloroquine was amplified on Twitter by Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, relayed by pundits on Fox News, and culminated in President Trump tweeting that the drug had a “real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.”


That prompted Anthony Fauci, Mr Trump’s best-known health adviser, to warn against getting excited about what he called “anecdotal evidence”.


Dr Raoult has fed the frenzy by taking his findings public without waiting for sanction from peer-reviewed journals. He defends the approach as in keeping with the spirit of the Hippocratic oath sworn by doctors, especially in a fast-moving health crisis where people are dying. “A doctor can and must think like a doctor, and not like someone obsessed with methodology,” he wrote in an opinion piece in Le Monde. "

Anonymous ID: 8e3ff1 April 3, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.8671034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1076

Breaking Results: Sermo’s COVID-19 Real Time Barometer Study WAVE I: March 25 -27


Full 41 page study of doctors and C19 treatment. Hydroxychloroquine is best.




Here's something interesting. Guess what? In the US, the most popular treatment for C19 is … wait for it …. NOTHING!!!.


Page 24.


United States.



Hydroxychloroquine and/or chloroquine = 21%


Holy shit - that's the problem right there.


People in the US are dying unnecessarily because our doctors and our hospitals are treating with NOTHING. NOTHING is #1 in the US.


Page 24 has a bunch of countries, and what they're treating with.


The NOTHING category is led by the US, with 44% - tied with the UK.

Anonymous ID: 8e3ff1 April 3, 2020, 12:46 a.m. No.8671178   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hydrochloroquine and chloroquine are being used around the globe and Chlorine dioxide just isn't.


I can't tell you which of those things are necessarily better, but the Q drugs happen to be the ones that people are rallying around, happy with, that work, etc.


And in the US, apparently, so many are doing NOTHING.


Open everything up. Give everyone the Q drug. Back to normal.