Anonymous ID: a76aa6 April 2, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.8670748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0772 >>0877


Don't ignore the ET factor. Whatever anyone says about abductions true or false there's no denying that we are being visited by "aliens".

Personally I think they've been coming here forever and we are certain of their descendants, and the human form is prevalent wherever there is intelligent life. I also think life and DNA is the most precious resource anywhere. If there are children in DUMBs they are there for alien purposes. This war is not just for Earth.

Anonymous ID: a76aa6 April 2, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.8670906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957



think mirror. now look in one. then find a young green bamboo shoot, cut a thin strip about 6 inches long, soak it in water till it's very flexible, roll it up and tie it tight, let it dry then swallow it.