Anonymous ID: c71471 April 2, 2020, 10:50 p.m. No.8670616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0643 >>0647



Time for you to fuckoff with this slide on skinnies.


You actually believe ONE WORD that comes out of NORKO?


This virus strikes the japanes and han chinese most.


Fuckoff and die with your misdirect, you CHICOM piece of shit

Anonymous ID: c71471 April 2, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.8670699   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Your techniques are weak. You are failing.


Perhaps you should spread the ‘oops’ factor of your masters - all you neanderthal slime are dying like flies.


Forgot to mention that part?


CHICOM scum resent plump people - because their overlords have PROGRAMMED them to.


To EAT EACHOTHER like the INSECTS you all are.


Hahaha - ooops - didn’t think the world would cut you off after you decided to thin your herd of “useless” retired people, did you?



Anonymous ID: c71471 April 2, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.8670836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0960



They’re easy to spot now that I think back - if your creep radar fails, you can always get them with:








They cannot make heads or tales of it.


Fucks with their LOGIC circuits; they don’t have spirit…


Serious… I know i’ve come across many before, now I realize it.


Stunned look on their face - just don’t understand.


They’ve LOST the SPARK of GOD


Or NEVER had it.