Anonymous ID: df1a4d April 2, 2020, 10:39 p.m. No.8670559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0570 >>0584 >>0594 >>0616 >>0637


>>8670147 (You)


In Spain

Healthcare workers applaud a 93 year old man

As he is discharged after being hospitalized with COVID19

But look at him


You can see from the belt around his waist

That he is skinnier than the average

And he survived


Why do they give us stats about age groups???

We cannot change our age

Are they trying to DIVIDE US

To push us INTO DESPAIR!!!

Why don't they do stats by BMI

We can all change our body mass index if we know it increases risk.

Give us info to UNITE US

Info that we can ACT UPON!!!!

Anonymous ID: df1a4d April 2, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.8670594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0851 >>0852 >>0897 >>1079 >>1151


Applause for man, 93, who recovered from COVID-19 at a Spanish hospital


He's a skinny guy the very opposite of overweight


Why overweight people may be more likely to die from infections like pneumonia and sepsis


Body mass index and infectious disease mortality in midlife in a cohort of 2.3 million adolescents.


Full text is attached as PDF

Anonymous ID: df1a4d April 2, 2020, 10:54 p.m. No.8670631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0666 >>0667 >>0682 >>0738 >>0748 >>0877 >>1055



Kids are not kept underground.

They are sex slaves

They either work in brothels or they are sold to customers

And live at their owners house, or yacht or wherever.

Most of them you know personally

But you think they are grandkids, or nieces or daycare kids.


You have been suckered by the people who STEAL THE KIDS


You are helping to HIDE THE KIDS

You, PERSONALLY are responsible for all of this.

You are demanding that law enforcement hunt down underground bunkers that do not exist.


If you were a rational person, you would realize

That selling kids requires a market

Where sellers and buyers meet to trade

How come nobody ever identifies where these markets are?


I'll tell you why.

Because the Human Traffickers had the Taken series of films made

And now you believe that is all fiction

When they were actually revealing how to find the kids.

But people like you are too DAMN STUPID

Instead you dumb-dumbs are looking for DUMBS.

There is a movie about you people

Dumb and Dumber

Anonymous ID: df1a4d April 3, 2020, 12:44 a.m. No.8671165   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nope, not Patent.

I have found the P Act


It is quite simply the PAIN Act''' of 2000

Which kicked off the opioid crisis

And 3 years later, Hollywood launched

The OC

To make Oxcycontin seem cool.




This must be connected to this legislation somehow.


H.R.5172 - NOPAIN Act