Anonymous ID: ef8224 April 3, 2020, 1:09 a.m. No.8671255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Someone on 4/pol/ posted pic related

To Quote:

52.8174192, -67.4112403


52.8174192, -67.4112403


52.8174192, -67.4112403


I need to post this here for visibility


If you want to find something the world is hiding from you, it’s in the abyss northwest of Fermont, QC


I can’t say too much but they brought in security clearance workers for precisely 10 days at a time from my Corp in Ontario.


Whatever is happening out there, it radiates into the skies and is most certainly extraterrestrial in nature. The amount of aircraft flying into Fermont and people that run the world is staggering.


Need you to examine flightpaths if possible for creedence


I love you /pol/, god fucking speed