Anonymous ID: f65e20 April 3, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.8671185   🗄️.is đź”—kun


==Venezuela's Search for Nuclear Power - or Nuclear Prestige.May 7, 2009


'''In late November 2008, Venezuela signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia during a state visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Caracas. This agreement, much touted by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, raises the issue of the extent of Venezuela's nuclear ambitions. Venezuela has almost no nuclear infrastructure, little nuclear expertise, and is a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Latin American nuclear-weapon-free zone. Nevertheless, Chávez has been a vocal supporter of Iran's right to develop a complete nuclear fuel cycle despite UN sanctions and has sought nuclear alliances with countries potentially capable of developing nuclear weapons. Moreover, despite Venezuela's extensive oil exports to the United States, Chávez has been an outspoken critic of the United States, which he has accused of planning to invade his country to seize its oil and overthrow him.[1] At least one analyst has concluded that his nationalistic rhetoric suggests that Chávez could be serious about obtaining not only nuclear power reactors, but also nuclear weapons.…'''

Anonymous ID: f65e20 April 3, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8671216   🗄️.is đź”—kun


….Though completion of these reactors may take more than a decade, the possibility of an increasingly autocratic Chavez gaining access to nuclear technology should raise concern for Washington and its allies. The reactors may be of limited direct proliferation threat, but Venezuela’s close ties with Iran and its significant untapped deposits of uranium–which might total as much as fifty thousand tons–raise questions about whether Caracas could pose a proliferation risk in the future…

Anonymous ID: f65e20 April 3, 2020, 1:14 a.m. No.8671264   🗄️.is đź”—kun

