Anonymous ID: 1c1918 April 3, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.8671374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1634 >>1673 >>1684 >>1832 >>1842 >>1913

Reposting this as it fell off the previous bread.


Anons, I have put together this crude timeline of events to do with what is going on in the wrold today. Please comment or add to the info if you can…


  1. Dr. Fauci gives a speech (Sauce: at Georgetown University (a Jesuit University) on 10th January 2017 where at the 3 minute 20 second mark he states, "..there is no question that there will be a challenge [to] the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases, in the sense of already on-going disease, and we have certainly a larger burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak…" (Seems he is one of the planners of this pandemic.)


  1. Ft. Detrick, the Army's level 4 bioweapons lab, is '…shutdown (Sauce: due to safety violations against the (CDC) 2010 recommendations' after a 'CDC inspection'. This shut down occurred on the 15th July 2019.


  1. Event 201 (Sauce: takes place on the 18th October 2019 in New York City that runs for 3.5 hours and simulates a pandemic. It was a tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


  1. The US Military competes in the World Military Games (Sauce: in Wuhan, China, that runs from the 21st to the 24th October 2019.


  1. On the 1st November 2019, China turned on 10,000 5G antennas in Wuhan. (Sauce:


  1. China reports the Coronavirus outbreak to the World Health Organization on Dec. 31st 2019. (Sauce:


  1. On the 28th January 2020, Dr. Charles Lieber, is indicted (Sauce: for not disclosing ties to the Chinese government and Wuhan University while receiving $15 million from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense, which by law he is reqeuired to do.


  1. On the 27th February 2020 a Taiwanese TV station (which is not controlled by the CIA or any other nefarious entity, it seems) broadcasts a show (Sauce: where one of the country's top virologists and pharmacologists explains in detail what is going on with this virus and where this virus seems to have come from. It is shown that it most likely originated in the USA due to that country being the only one that has all 5 strains of this virus. He also references the Ft. Detrick shut down. An explanation of what is said in the video is given in the link above for non-speaking Chinese.


  1. Various journalists, in New York (Sauce: - no longer available on the Project Veritas website) and Berlin (Sauce: at least, show that there are no Coronavirus patients at local hospitals.


  1. Under various safety guises, personal liberties are curtailed worldwide with fines being imposed (in Canada, at least) if one cannot show a travel permit for designated (essential) workers. Everyone else is on lockdown WORLDWIDE. And so the agenda of the elite shows itself(?) or is it a move by the white hats? Only time will tell. I hope that Q/Q Team/Q+ have this covered.


  1. The connection to the 5G roll-out worldwide, at the same time that this pandemic is active, is made and reports and videos start to surface that show this to be the case:-

Report 1 - Sauce:

Video 1 - Sauce: Not known - but can be viewed here: under 12 mins long

Video 2 - Sauce: 56 mins long

Video 3 - Sauce: 2 hrs long - David Icke has been warning us for 30 years of this exact scenario

Anonymous ID: 1c1918 April 3, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.8671540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1563 >>1569 >>1576 >>1578 >>1635 >>1735 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101


Added yours…


Updated events tmeline.


  1. Dr. Fauci gives a speech (Sauce: at Georgetown University (a Jesuit University) on 10th January 2017 where at the 3 minute 20 second mark he states, "..there is no question that there will be a challenge [to] the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases, in the sense of already on-going disease, and we have certainly a larger burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak…" (Seems he is one of the planners of this pandemic.)


  1. Ft. Detrick, the Army's level 4 bioweapons lab, is '…shutdown (Sauce: due to safety violations against the (CDC) 2010 recommendations' after a 'CDC inspection'. This shut down occurred on the 15th July 2019.


  1. On 17-18 September 2019, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) - National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) and the United States Naval War College (NWC) does a 2 day simulation of a viral pandemic, called Urban Outbreak 2019 (Sauce:, in a fictional 21 million population center at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab (JHU-APL) in Laurel, Maryland.


  1. Event 201 (Sauce: takes place on the 18th October 2019 in New York City that runs for 3.5 hours and simulates a pandemic. It was a tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


  1. The US Military competes in the World Military Games (Sauce: in Wuhan, China, that runs from the 21st to the 24th October 2019.


  1. On the 1st November 2019, China turned on 10,000 5G antennas in Wuhan. (Sauce:


  1. China reports the Coronavirus outbreak to the World Health Organization on Dec. 31st 2019. (Sauce:


  1. On the 28th January 2020, Dr. Charles Lieber, is indicted (Sauce: for not disclosing ties to the Chinese government and Wuhan University while receiving $15 million from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense, which by law he is reqeuired to do.


  1. On the 27th February 2020 a Taiwanese TV station (which is not controlled by the CIA or any other nefarious entity, it seems) broadcasts a show (Sauce: where one of the country's top virologists and pharmacologists explains in detail what is going on with this virus and where this virus seems to have come from. It is shown that it most likely originated in the USA due to that country being the only one that has all 5 strains of this virus. He also references the Ft. Detrick shut down. An explanation of what is said in the video is given in the link above for non-speaking Chinese.


  1. Various journalists, in New York (Sauce: - no longer available on the Project Veritas website) and Berlin (Sauce: at least, show that there are no Coronavirus patients at local hospitals.


  1. Under various safety guises, personal liberties are curtailed worldwide with fines being imposed (in Canada, at least) if one cannot show a travel permit for designated (essential) workers. Everyone else is on lockdown WORLDWIDE. And so the agenda of the elite shows itself(?) or is it a move by the white hats? Only time will tell. I hope that Q/Q Team/Q+ have this covered.


  1. The connection to the 5G roll-out worldwide, at the same time that this pandemic is active, is made and reports and videos start to surface that show this to be the case:-

Report 1 - Sauce:

Video 1 - Sauce: Not known - but can be viewed here: under 12 mins long

Video 2 - Sauce: 56 mins long

Video 3 - Sauce: 2 hrs long - David Icke has been warning us for 30 years of this exact scenario

Anonymous ID: 1c1918 April 3, 2020, 2:35 a.m. No.8671578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635 >>1735 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101



Corrected tmeline.


  1. Dr. Fauci gives a speech (Sauce: at Georgetown

University (a Jesuit University) on 10th January 2017 where at the 3 minute 20 second mark he states, "..there is no question that there will be a challenge [to] the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases, in the sense of already on-going disease, and we have certainly a larger burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak…" (Seems he is one of the planners of this pandemic.)


  1. Ft. Detrick, the Army's level 4 bioweapons lab, is '…shutdown (Sauce: due to safety violations

against the (CDC) 2010 recommendations' after a 'CDC inspection'. This shut down occurred on the 15th July 2019.


  1. On 17-18 September 2019, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) - National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) and the United States Naval War College (NWC) does a 2 day

simulation of a viral pandemic, called Urban Outbreak 2019 (Sauce:, in a fictional 21 million population center at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab (JHU-APL) in Laurel, Maryland.


  1. Event 201 (Sauce: takes place on the 18th October 2019 in New York City that runs for 3.5 hours and simulates a pandemic. It was a tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


  1. The US Military competes in the World Military Games (Sauce: in Wuhan, China, that runs from the 21st to the 24th October 2019.


  1. On the 1st November 2019, China turned on 10,000 5G antennas in Wuhan. (Sauce:


  1. China reports the Coronavirus outbreak to the World Health Organization on Dec. 31st 2019. (Sauce:


  1. On the 28th January 2020, Dr. Charles Lieber, is indicted (Sauce: for not disclosing ties to the Chinese government and Wuhan University while receiving $15 million from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense, which by law he is required to do.


  1. On the 27th February 2020 a Taiwanese TV station (which is not controlled by the CIA or any other nefarious entity, it seems) broadcasts a show (Sauce: where one of the country's top virologists and pharmacologists explains in detail what is going on with this virus and where this virus seems to have come from. It is shown that it most likely originated in the USA due to that country being the only one that has all 5 strains of this virus. He also references the Ft. Detrick shut down. An explanation of what is said in the video is given in the link above for non-speaking Chinese.


  1. Various journalists, in New York (Sauce: - no longer available on

the Project Veritas website) and Berlin (Sauce: at least, show that there are no Coronavirus patients at local hospitals.


  1. Under various safety guises, personal liberties are curtailed worldwide with fines being imposed (in Canada, at least) if one cannot show a travel permit for designated (essential) workers. Everyone else is on lockdown WORLDWIDE. And so the agenda of the elite shows itself(?) or is it a move by the white hats? Only time will tell. I hope that Q/Q Team/Q+ have this covered.


  1. The connection to the 5G roll-out worldwide, at the same time that this pandemic is active, is made and reports and videos start to surface that show this to be the case:-

Report 1 - Sauce:

Video 1 - Sauce: Not known - but can be viewed here: under 12 mins long

Video 2 - Sauce: 56 mins long

Video 3 - Sauce: 2 hrs long - David Icke has been warning us for 30 years of this exact scenario

Anonymous ID: 1c1918 April 3, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.8671632   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here is a site that has been mirrored as it is no longer at the original location:


Its is the original '' website in its entirety.