Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 1:37 a.m. No.8671379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1635 >>1735 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101

C.I.A. Hunts for Authentic Virus Totals in China, Dismissing Government Tallies

April 2, 2020

Intelligence officials have told the White House for weeks that China has vastly understated the spread of the coronavirus and the damage the pandemic has done.



WASHINGTON — The C.I.A. has been warning the White House since at least early February that China has vastly understated its coronavirus infections and that its count could not be relied upon as the United States compiles predictive models to fight the virus, according to current and former intelligence officials.


The intelligence briefings in recent weeks, based at least in part on information from C.I.A. assets in China, played an important role in President Trump’s negotiation on Thursday of an apparent détente with President Xi Jinping of China. Since then, both countries have ratcheted back criticism of each other.


Obtaining a more accurate count of the Chinese rate of infection and deaths from the virus has worldwide public health implications at a time of grave uncertainty over the virus, its speed of transmission and other fundamental questions. For American officials, the totals are critical to getting a better understanding of how Covid-19 will affect the United States in the months to come and of the effectiveness of countermeasures like social distancing, according to American intelligence agencies and White House officials.


So far, to the frustration of both the White House and the intelligence community, the agencies have been unable to glean more accurate numbers through their collection efforts.


But American intelligence agencies have concluded that the Chinese government itself does not know the extent of the virus and is as blind as the rest of the world. Midlevel bureaucrats in the city of Wuhan, where the virus originated, and elsewhere in China have been lying about infection rates, testing and death counts, fearful that if they report numbers that are too high they will be punished, lose their position or worse, current and former intelligence officials said.


Bureaucratic misreporting is a chronic problem for any government, but it has grown worse in China as the Communist leadership has taken a more authoritarian turn in recent years under Mr. Xi."



Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 1:42 a.m. No.8671394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1471



Alex Jones reveals the truth behind the mysterious online persona

Alex Jones | - APRIL 2, 2020


Anons should watch this video! Q is God testing us! Kek!



Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 1:45 a.m. No.8671405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433

Florida pastor finally shuts down church after arrest but blames

‘tyrannical government’ not coronavirus

‘I make decisions based on what the Lord tells me to do’


33 minutes ago

"Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has closed his Florida church in order to protect it from a ”tyrannical government.”


Mr Howard-Browne closed the doors to his church on Monday after being arrested for holding two Sunday services the day before.


He was arrested for unlawful assembly and violating quarantine orders during a public health emergency and was freed after posting $500 bail.


Speaking on his YouTube livestream show on Wednesday, Mr Howard-Browne said that he didn’t make the decision because of the coronavirus outbreak.


“I have to do this to protect the congregation – not from the virus but from a tyrannical government,” Mr Howard-Browne said."



Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.8671413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1743


Watch Jared Kushner Repeat "Make Sure" 15 Times During

Bizarre White House CoronaVirus Press Conference

Apr 2, 2020

The Alex Jones Show

Jared Kushner makes weird first words to the public.


Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 1:54 a.m. No.8671441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1635 >>1735 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101

China steps up western media campaign over coronavirus

crisis Beijing ‘aims to turn national disaster into global triumph’

with help of TV news channel and Twitter

Fri 3 Apr 2020 01.00 EDT Last modified on Fri 3 Apr 2020 04.17 EDT


"Li Aihua, president of Bank of China (Canada), poses with Lee Errett, a Canadian official, in front of boxes of Chinese medical supplies in Toronto. The Bank of China donated 7.5 tonnes of medical supplies to Canada.

Li Aihua, president of Bank of China (Canada), poses with Lee Errett, a Canadian official, in front of boxes of Chinese medical supplies in Toronto. The Bank of China donated 7.5 tonnes of medical supplies to Canada. Photograph: China News Service/China News Service via Getty Images

The Chinese state is ramping up its English-language media campaigns in a bid to defend the country’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, highlight the failings of western governments, and raise China’s standing on the world stage.


Photographs of Chinese aid – dubbed “facemask diplomacy” – arriving at Heathrow on Saturday including boxes labelled “Keep Calm and Cure Coronavirus” have been promoted to UK audiences by the Xinhua news agency. Some younger Chinese diplomats have used English-language Twitter, which is banned within China, to spread false suggestions that the virus may have been started by the west to discredit the Chinese state.


Prof Kerry Brown, an associate fellow on the Asia-Pacific programme at the thinktank Chatham House, suggested the country was trying to turn a national disaster into a global triumph: “They’re trying to push back against some of the politicisation of this in America and to try to get control of the narrative before it spirals out of control.”


China’s authoritarian single-party state, which is at the bottom of the World Press Freedom Index and has faced recent claims of playing down its coronavirus infection numbers, has long complained of unfair coverage by western media and recently expelled many western journalists. In recent years it has invested enormous sums of money in its own English-language news infrastructure to project its image around the world.


At the forefront of this response has been the state-owned English-language 24-hour rolling news channel CGTN, which recently began broadcasting from a new UK base in west London with a mission statement of “reporting the news from a Chinese perspective”."




and here comes the chi com ganda

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 2:03 a.m. No.8671473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do not agree that this was the direct actions of the WHO yet are they complicit?

I do not agree with his decision because anons know that he made his congregation a false flag target do we not?

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.8671516   🗄️.is 🔗kun



2001 watching this "amazing researcher" who I thought the .gov would soon suicide. So much "valuable information" and all in one place and some books how convenient!

2002 learning more, still watching yet I knew enough to know something was off

2003 this guy is trying to get us to pop off, easy pickings for the Neocon post 911 police state

2004 fuck this guy! and I know what he is NOT SAYING!


That is the key. Learning enough to know what the Gatekeepers are not saying.


I hope in some disinfo is necessary way that he is working for us yet if not, here is some rope.


Lotta Anons still watch this Agent so Cog Dis is ongoing and I am sorry about that.

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 2:32 a.m. No.8671566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1604 >>1635 >>1735 >>1774 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101

Google is to publicly track people's movements over the course

of the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: Google reveals travel habits during the pandemic

3 hours ago


"The tech firm will publish details of the different types of places people are going to on a county-by-county basis in the UK, as well as similar data for 130 other countries.


The plan is to issue a regular updates with the figures referring back to activity from two or three days prior.


The company has promised that individuals' privacy will be preserved.


The readings are based on location data gathered via the Google Maps app or one of the firm's other mobile services.


The firm typically uses this to reveal when specific museums, shops and other places are busiest as well as to revise driving routes to help motorists avoid traffic."




=BIG TECH SPYING ON US not COVID BUN pretty please==

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 2:42 a.m. No.8671603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632 >>1691 >>1789



By sifting through the links provided you will learn that Aspartame

also known as Nutrasweet, Equal and Canderel is not what it seems.


Old anons know the name Donald Rumsfeld well yet they may not know the exact connection to Aspartame and I think once everyone becomes aware of this information it will help everyone more wisely choose what to put inside their bodies.


Rumsfeld was what we call a Neo-Con or New/fake/false Conservative. This man was perhaps the biggest mouth piece and deep state actor that led the U.S. to war with Iraq after 911.

A signing member of PNAC which 911 truthers will recognize immediately as the group which telegraphed the false flag attack.


I am going to present some basic Wikipedia links and a few news articles. I know some of these sources are lacking to say the least yet do not shoot the messenger.


Read, Learn.

I think all of you will see that you should stop using Aspartame. If not for yourself then for your children, friends and family. This toxin is no joke yet unless you dive deep it is very difficult to

understand exactly why as this industry has a small army of information gatekeepers, lawyers and professional liars at their service.


We will start with the big lie:


The Deep state actor Donald Rumsfeld:

“A day after Rumsfeld announced that the Department of Defense could not account for about $2.3 trillion worth of transactions, Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and crashed them in coordinated strikes into both towers of the world trade center.”



or project for the new american century well known for the quote "will require a catalyzing event, like a new pearl harbor" when describing what it will take to keep america dominant in the 21st century.


So in short, Rummy is a total deep state piece of trash that should have been taken out when George H.W. Bush was eliminated and anything he was involved in should be highly suspect.


Now a few recent articles and again please do not shoot the messenger.

See: Article Graphic - some important aspects highlighted.


Here is very good timeline of the events:

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 2:45 a.m. No.8671612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1637

In time of crisis, Trump-Pelosi relationship remains broken


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Two of the most powerful people in Washington have not spoken in five months at a time when the nation is battling its worst health crisis in a century, one that has already killed more than 5,000 Americans and put 10 million others out of work.


President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last talked on Oct. 16, when Pelosi pointed her finger at the seated president during a heated exchange in a White House meeting that was captured in a widely shared photograph. Pelosi stormed out, and the two leaders’ frayed relationship was soon severed by the House’s impeachment of Trump months later.


Now, there are worries the broken relationship could hinder the federal government’s ability to respond to the growing coronavirus crisis, the extent of the damage reflected in Thursday’s report that a record 6.6 million people filed for unemployment, adding to more than 3 million from two weeks earlier.


“Relationships are the beginning of everything. Trust in one another is key to cooperation,” said John M. Bridgeland, who held government posts under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.


The relationship between Trump and Pelosi, never warm, appears beyond repair after the president’s impeachment, according to allies of both leaders. Even the COVID-19 pandemic, which has rewritten the rules of daily American life and threatens people’s health and employment, has done nothing to thaw the ice between the two.


Last month, as Washington crafted the most expensive stimulus package in U.S. history, Trump and Pelosi eyed each other warily from opposite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, the president leaving it to others to negotiate a $2.2 trillion economic relief package.


Trump and Pelosi communicated with — or at — each other via Twitter and television or through intermediaries the other side could tolerate. Chief among them has been Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who personally negotiated the three rescue bills passed so far. When Trump signed the package at the White House, he did not invite Pelosi or any Democrats to join him.


The record-breaking jobless claims reported Thursday add new urgency to the matter of next steps for Congress, which had been moving, slowly, toward crafting another recovery bill that could equal or surpass the first stimulus’ price tag.


Pelosi and Mnuchin worked out the stimulus by speaking dozens of times by phone and in the speaker’s Capitol office overlooking the Mall. Going forward, new White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who has a relationship with Pelosi, is expected to be another leading conduit."



Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.8671706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1723


I don't care if you don't mind listening to the shills.

Let them toss something up maybe? show some stripes, something before they knock us down? dont ya think? kek!



and that my fren is why I dug a little on it and hope other Anons can handle the info. I know it is in so many products and they are already experiencing social withdrawal and other dysfunction.

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.8671759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888 >>1998 >>2029 >>2101

check out this slide from reality


Trump gets help from Kushner and rails against new 'witch-hunt' at coronavirus briefing

President’s son-in-law makes surprise appearance and says Trump heard about supply shortages ‘just this morning’


Thu 2 Apr 2020 21.19 EDTLast modified on Fri 3 Apr 2020 01.48 EDT


Kushner takes centre stage at coronavirus briefing

Donald Trump sparked fresh criticism on Thursday by deploying his son-in-law at a White House coronavirus taskforce briefing and accusing Democrats of launching a fresh “witch-hunt”.


Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to the US president who is married to his daughter, Ivanka, made a surprise appearance on the podium and said Trump had instructed him to “break down every barrier needed to make sure the teams can succeed”.


He added: “The president also wanted us to make sure that we think outside the box, make sure we’re finding all the best thinkers in the country, making sure we’re getting all the best ideas.”


New York only has enough ventilators for six more days, says Governor Cuomo

Read more

But by way of example, Kushner said Trump became concerned about supply shortages after hearing about them “just this morning” from “friends of his in New York” – implying the president responds to anecdotes rather than the state governor or public health officials.


“We went to the president today,” Kushner continued. “And earlier today, the president called Mayor [Bill] de Blasio to inform him that we are going to send a month of supply to New York public hospital system.” The vice-president, Mike Pence, later said there would 200,000 masks sent to New York.


Kushner said: “We’ll be doing similar things with all the different public hospitals that are in the hotspot zones and making sure that we’re constantly in communications with the local communities.”


Media reports have suggested that Kushner, a property developer with no medical expertise, is running a “shadow taskforce” – a rival power base that conflicts with the official task force led by Pence.


He said: “I’ve been serving really at the direction of the vice-president. He’s asked me to get involved in different projects. The vice-president and I speak, probably, sometimes five, 10 times a day, but everything that I’m doing is at the direction of the vice-president.”


He glanced over at Pence, who smiled benignly.


Earlier on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, announced a new House committee would oversee “all aspects” of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic and did not rule out an investigation in the style of the commission on the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks.


Such a prospect clearly stung Trump, who compared it to the special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and the congressional hearings into his dealings with Ukraine that led to his impeachment.


“This is not the time for politics,” he told reporters. “Endless partisan investigations – here we go again – have already done extraordinary damage to our country in recent years. You see what happens. It’s witch-hunt after witch-hunt after witch-hunt and, in the end, the people doing the witch-hunt have been losing, and they’ve been losing by a lot. It’s not any time for witch-hunts.”


Yet even as the president spoke, the White House was releasing a letter in which he assailed Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader from New York. “Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way,” Trump wrote."




kushner is not popular here for some reason

and the just waking new eyes

seeing what our enemy is projecting on the wall is not important


alex jones new video bashing Q is not notable holy mcfuckery

Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 3:54 a.m. No.8671880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1885

continue on baker or fuck it?

shilly AF in here….


muh moving us in the wrong direction bros!

and muh jared is muh anti christ

do you even lif bros?



Anonymous ID: 2e973f April 3, 2020, 4:07 a.m. No.8671920   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I believe I dug this yesterday yet New Eyes + Spygate .


some of these folks do not seem to know what that means, how odd, how bizarre.