Anonymous ID: 3781ba April 3, 2020, 3:47 a.m. No.8671857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1887 >>1973

A massive military operation will necessarily have many different types of agents or actors to both collect and disseminate information and misinformation.


All signs are Jared and Ivanka were virtue-signalling elitist Leftists prior to the election.


What POTUS has done since then though appears to have been to weaponize both of them using their established personas.


Ivanka is coordinating the White House efforts against human trafficking. She certainly been nearly fully briefed on the extent of the evil industry, shown photos, seen videos and met victims.


Likewise Jared has been a back channel emissary for POTUS and perhaps by extension the military, most notably to Saudi Arabia and Mexico. He also must understanding the extend of the evil America is battling.


We are not going to change Javanka's background. They are who they are and they aren't going to lunch at Walmart in jogging pants and t-shirts.


Ivanka has lacked a personal or common touch. Jared lacked that and was a poor public speaker.


They both appear to be exerting enormous effort to improve and become more effective for the cause. To a degree in the last month both have made incremental but significant gains in their efforts.


Ivanka proclaimed herself a proud Trump Republican, coining a phrase in the process. Jared has held several press briefings that weren't complete catastrophes.


But they already have been useful to the cause. Given their international social statuses they can either or both be sent anywhere to meet with anyone, particularly influencers outside official governments channels.


Listening to them speak and watching their interactions with other Trump officials over three years should show their character growth and strengthening intensity to win for POTUS.


If their commitment was demonstrably selective to the Trump agenda in 2016, it has become steadily more aligned over time.


Their early roles in the White House have also perhaps, as with Herbert McMaster, purposely given false hope to bad actors. They quickly would have become unintentional lures for those probing the extent of their commitment. In these instances, their mere presence collects information on the coup from associates of the coup leadership. All the bad actors Trump purposely placed in the White House originally likely revealed themselves to Javanka.


That's all pretty damn useful.


But Tom Brady still would have been better.

Anonymous ID: 3781ba April 3, 2020, 4:05 a.m. No.8671913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



very nice. consider integrating this too.


september 19, 2019


(run by SecDef)

Anonymous ID: 3781ba April 3, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.8671932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1957



it's exactly because of perspectives such as yours, that jared and ivanka have had such a hard time being accepted.


celebrate the warts, don't pretend you don't have any.


any try harder to understand correctly the meanings of words and sentences. over time you'll get better.

Anonymous ID: 3781ba April 3, 2020, 4:22 a.m. No.8671973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2030



human interest stories on jared or ivanka's struggles and ultimately growth would go a long way.


i would recommend separate stories individualized to either.


showing them with their children doing something other than just walking to temple all stiff-collared could help.


hiding at ski resorts on every christian holiday also isn't a great look.


ever been to a six flags? diana did this with william and harry and it's still iconic decades later.


jared in a nascar driving on a closed track should be a goal conceptually.


ivanka hosting a feast for a holiday or large birthday party should be another, again conceptually.


they would be helped by creating visuals (not overpowered by concurrent, overly formal communication) that are familiar to regular people.


they both seem extremely useful to the plan. building up their ability to code switch based on their audience would help them gain popularity, which over time helps resonate any message they hope to convey.

Anonymous ID: 3781ba April 3, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.8671998   🗄️.is 🔗kun



jared is getting more useful to potus every month.


just like miller, he should work toward more relaxed facial expressions and find opportunities to smile when the cameras are on.


builds trust with the public when they see you smile, at appropriate moments of course.