Anonymous ID: 4499af April 3, 2020, 3:30 a.m. No.8671790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888 >>2029 >>2101





>royal family

>London 1666

>Rothschild bank + influence

>le royal monceau

>crown/corona sign on top


>the same crown that can be seen in many places, even GCHQ, the rogue agency

>be royal family

>be Harry and Meghan

>kidnap children for the rich to harvest adrenochrome

>Trump notices

>Harry and Meghan (and every possible elite involved) in trouble

>plan a JFK-like assassination


>panic, make sure the sheep/cattle (as they call us) also panic

>#FilmEmptyHospitals trending

>panic, lockdown, police state, legislation, blackmail, orange man bad


>be Kingsley

>disappear and escape trial after WWII

>son reaches Mossad

>attempt to stand to trial to war crimes

>escape using a plane

>make a film about this cause sheep won't notice anyway


The UK is behind so many horrible things. I wonder when the British were last in control of their own country..too much zog influence..