Anonymous ID: 5585c1 April 3, 2020, 2:46 a.m. No.8671613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635 >>1653 >>1735 >>1782 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101



Breuer's take on the Boston Bombing proves how based he was years ago. That's all I am going to say about him personally. You should pause that vid you are watching and watch this bit he did in a small venue.


He makes several valid (and hilarious) points about Bostonians tolerating being locked up in their houses under Martial Law, for a citywide lockdown and house-to-house search, which failed to find the alleged bomber brother.


He even makes fun of the people who don't know the difference between "Martial" and "Marshall", and poignantly observes that in the end of Martial Law, people came out of their houses and chanted, "USA, USA, USA".


Even more relevant tonight, and tomorrow, and every single minute that this ORDO AB CORONA keeps everyone hunkered down like fish in a barrel. Our fight has always been a Death Match against a Death Cult. Any anon worth their salt knows that there are only one of two outcomes:


1) (((They))) are going down.

2) We've been hoodwinked.



Anonymous ID: 5585c1 April 3, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.8671782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1852 >>1871 >>1955 >>2156




I don't think Breuer is one of (((Them))). If he was, (for as talented as he is), he should be much more connected to the Hollywood Machine. He left SNL and got 2 specials, a typical deal that is meant to give the up-and-comer a "taste" of the "good" life. If you want to go "further", you have to join the Cult. That's why he is still doing small venues and podcasts. Hasn't been seen on networks or cable for what? A decade?


Check him out on Joe Rogan's show. At 30:00, he slyly talks about the Hegelian Dialectic, and pushes Rogan to play JFK's "conspiracy" speech. Many anons and twatter ripped on Breuer's "hostages in the tunnels" Instagram, claiming that he was mocking the subject and The Great Awakening. His take on the Boston Bombing and JFK, etc., prove otherwise for me.




Cue it @30:00.

Anonymous ID: 5585c1 April 3, 2020, 4:02 a.m. No.8671906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1923 >>1949 >>2000



This is amazing. I was going to post this last night, but didn't bother because it might be seen as TLDR or Intel from Uncle. But here goes. An old friend who has recently (TRULY) realized that the Trafficking is real. He was Q-spamming his son with proofs. His son, who lives in Billings, Montana, called his dad and said, "If this is true, and the virus is hype, then my friend at XXXXXXXXX Hospital should know. I am going to call them and prove you wrong, dad."


He called his dad back and said, "Okay, dad, what the hell is going on and tell me more about Q." My friend said to his son, "Why?" The son said, "I can't fucking believe this, but I called my friend and asked them if their hospital was full or empty. They said it was full, but not from Coronavirus patients. They said that the hospital was full of children that had been rescued from a massive Human Trafficking Ring."


His son is fucking freaked out, and is now gobbling down the Truth about the Cabal.


I swear anons, I would not lie about this, and may God place a curse upon anyone who would!! There is no way this is coincidence. I feel like Morpheus, (after Neo saved Zion)…


Morpheus asks: "Is this real?"

Anonymous ID: 5585c1 April 3, 2020, 4:08 a.m. No.8671921   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>that it was a strategic necessity to get that building?


Yes. Geomancy. They took control of a Node, and nullified the Cabal's use of that particular Earth Star.