Anonymous ID: 601cf3 April 3, 2020, 5:03 a.m. No.8672078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8670398 (pb)

So this is a silly thought but, I was just looking at this photo and it really caught my attention.

It is from the late 60's. Look at the people. Every single one of them is thin and in shape. No one had been over-eating craving food . Nor were they diabetic type 2.

Could the plan to over take these guys been forming for so long?

Get them sick and unable to fight and then send in the one element that would take them out that no one would question. Disease.

We know they make plans decades in advance.

Anyway...they are a far better sight to look at than the society that is out there today.

How did that all change?

This isn't just because people decided to get fat. These kids weren't working at being thin. This is just how most kids looked back then.


Talk about being sick.