Anonymous ID: 912720 April 3, 2020, 2:42 a.m. No.8671602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635 >>1735 >>1888 >>2029 >>2101

Multiple reports published on Wednesday quoting residents of Wuhan, China, the city where the coronavirus pandemic originated, found extreme skepticism among locals that the Communist Party’s official coronavirus death toll truly reflects the disease’s impact on the community


This weekend, the government opened Wuhan’s subway system to customers for the first time since the lockdown there began in January and began allowing the families of the dead to pick up urns holding the remains of their loved ones. The number of urns handed out at Wuhan’s seven funeral homes, multiple reports found, is somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 suggesting that the real death toll of the coronavirus in Wuhan is at least ten times what the Chinese regime claimed it was.

Anonymous ID: 912720 April 3, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.8671989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houston Police Chief: Burglaries Up 20 Percent After Coronavirus Stay-Home Orders

Bob Price2 Apr 2020


Mayors and Governors releasing criminals, will kill people before king flu does


HOUSTON, Texas — Houston Police Department Chief Art Acevedo said burglaries in the city are up 20 percent since the issuance of “Stay-Home, Work-Safe” orders put in place by Harris County.


“Right now, burglaries have spiked 20 percent,” Chief Acevedo told Breitbart Texas in a phone interview. “Some people are seeing the shutdown of businesses as a target-rich opportunity. Habitual burglars should not be released.”


The chief said that there needs to be a plan for what to do with habitual criminals that are being released from the Harris County jail under orders from County Judge Lina Hidalgo. “What happens to these folks after they are released,” the chief asked. “What is the plan?”


Acevedo said Judge Hidalgo did not consult with him about the issue of releasing criminals from the county jail, a large percentage of which were arrested by his officers.


Police in other cities are also reporting increases in burglaries after stay-at-home orders are issued by local authorities.


Statistics reported by the New York City Police Department’s CompStat website show a 21.8 percent increase in burglaries in the last 28 days. The site also reports auto thefts are up by 64.2 percent during the same period. Murders, robbery, and shooting incidents also showed increases.


Minneapolis police and business owners also expressed concerns over burglaries as more businesses and stores are closed due to stay-at-home orders, the StarTribune reported. Since February 5 the number of burglaries nearly doubled.


“I don’t think we’ve seen anything quite like this, but we do know when we are in times of economic crisis, that we see certain types of crime go up, so things like burglaries, robberies and domestic violence,” Hamline University criminology Prof. Jillian Peterson told the Minnesota newspaper.


Despite promises that violent criminals would not be releases, KTRK ABC13 in Houston reports that some were released on bonds as low as $10.


The Houston ABC affiliate reports:


Kelvin Hawthorne, 18, is accused of punching and choking his girlfriend on Monday. Normally, that kind of crime gets a $1000 bond and often times it’s a personal recognizance bond, which means release from jail on the promise to return.


On Tuesday, a judge granted Hawthorne a $100 bond. He paid $10, had to agree to bond conditions and was released from jail.


Craig Jones, 55, is accused of hitting and choking his wife. He has prior violent convictions. The state requested a $10,000 bond. On Tuesday, a magistrate made it much lower, granting a $300 bond.


Timothy Singleton, 21, also has prior convictions. He was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, after being accused of pulling a gun on his aunt’s neighbor. Singleton was granted a $500 bond, which means $50 would get him out of jail. Normally bond would be at least $20,000.


Tori McFarland, 23, accused of robbery with bodily injury, a violent crime, got out of jail on a $10 bond.

Anonymous ID: 912720 April 3, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8672009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029 >>2101

Anons read these bullshit answers from Birx, really they didn’t know how the virus was transmitted or how contagious it was, like every other GD flu out there. She F’d up in the last statement in last paragraph, ‘misassumption’. The whole answer sounds stupid and very unscientific


Oh yeah, Fauci says every state should be on stay at home order, he doesn’t know why it’s not being done! These two tools are lying their asses off.


Birx: Because of China, ‘We Didn’t Know How Contagious’ Coronavirus Is


Ian Hanchett2 Apr 2020

During a town hall on the Fox News Channel on Thursday, Dr. Deborah Birx stated that due to holes in the data reported by China, “we didn’t know how contagious” coronavirus was.


Birx said, “At the time, when this virus stuck…I was working very intently on HIV at the time, and was overseas in sub-Saharan Africa, watching the data coming from China. And I think when we looked at the profile, first, there was a question about human-to-human transmission. Obviously, in a virus, that’s really key. … So, there was that first question. And I think when you’re in the midst of an epidemic, it’s hard for you to really be testing at the level that you need to to really look for those asymptomatic cases and really look for those people with mild disease. And so, now we’re finding out that most of the reporting was around very severe cases, severe cases that presented in a very difficult situation, and that they weren’t really measuring asymptomatic or mild disease. In that case, that may be a significant portion of the epidemic. And so, we didn’t know how it was spreading. We didn’t know the surface contact. We didn’t know how — I think the bottom line is, we didn’t know how contagious it was. And I think when you make misassumptions around contagion early on, then you don’t prepare in the way that you should prepare for the level of contagion that this COVID-19 exhibits.

Anonymous ID: 912720 April 3, 2020, 4:55 a.m. No.8672059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons anyone having problems posting and lag, clear your phone of computer cache 5-7 times, on iPhone, I’ve cleared cookies off my iPhone 5-6 times and more keep showing up. That’s the only way I can post or view. Do it regularly, note some of the same cookies showing up