Anonymous ID: a7aa97 April 3, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.8671756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1805 >>1819 >>1823 >>1826 >>1854 >>1875 >>1888 >>1936 >>2029 >>2101


3M and Adrenochrome,

Look at a map.

Remember the spread of the Vanderbilt family's railroad connected to:

Gannett (Rochester)

Eastman Kodak (Rochester)

Harris Beach (Rochester)

General Mills (Buffalo)

Standard Oil (Cleveland)

Dunlop/Firestone/Goodyear/BFGoodrich (Akron)

Ford (Detroit)

GM (Detroit)

International Harvester/Navistar (Chicago)

Hickory Spring Manufacturer (Hickory, NC)

Moretz Mills/GoldToeMoretz (Hickory, NC)

Under Armor (Baltimore) [GTM customer/CEO owns Sagamore estate, former Vanderbilt owned]

Tribune Media/LA Times (Chicago) [think rachel chandler's family]

Pullman Company (Chicago)

Consolidated Edison (Chicago)

Caterpillar (Peoria)


Everyone of these companies have connections to the Vanderbilts socially/politically or through business with the railroad.

The theory is that the Vanderbilts spread a cult throughout the great lakes, and mid west.

My extended theory is that this cult was in service to the royal families of europe (payseur/windsor).


Familiar names you'll find connected back to this cult include:

George Eastman

Frank Gannett

Edwin Drake and John D. Rockefeller

Harvey Firestone

Henry Ford

The McCormick family

The Chandler family

Robert Todd Lincoln

Thomas Edison

Mack McLarty and Bill Clinton (through AmTran sale to McCormick owned International Harvester)

and more.


Now consider the spread of the railroads east to west act as a bit of a timeline for cult connected companies,

you can begin to predict what cities are important to dig into.

Just by following the map of the NYCentral Railroad and it's affiliated railroads.


Last we found ourselves was in Chicago having found a connection between the McCormick family (Katie McCormick) and Big Mike/Obummer,

we also found a connection between the McCormick family and the Clintons through American Transportation Corporation.

Mack McLarty was involved in the founding of AmTran, and was a business partner with Kissinger in Kissinger McLarty Associates.

Kissinger was a Trustee of the UofRochester which has proven to be a curious and useful connection.

Dig the other trustees and see what you can find.


So where do we go from here?

Geographically continuing to expand west into Minnesota makes sense.

The railroads that take us there include:

The Great Northern Railway - Controlled by James J Hill and backed by E.H.Harriman and JP Morgan through the

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad - with prominent investors including Alexander Mitchell, Russell Sage, Jeremiah Milbank, and William Rockefeller.

Chicago Great Western Railway - Owned by A. B. Stickney and eventually passing to JP Morgan

And finally the:

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad - Owned by William Vanderbilt, the son of Cornelius

Known as the "Q" - I shit you not.

This line was tied to John Murray Forbes who was a former MICHIGAN CENTRAL executive.

Michigan Central, of course, is a Vanderbilt owned empire.

Another exec of the "Q" was Charles Elliott Perkins, who was a board member of the American Bell Telephone Company (a whole 'nother dig with Western Union, Western Electric, Edison and Bell)


So the case is made that expanding west into Minnesota is the logical next step.


Now on to digging 3M and their adrenochrome/vanderbilt railroad connection.

Anonymous ID: a7aa97 April 3, 2020, 3:36 a.m. No.8671819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888 >>2029 >>2101


It appears 3M has two particularly notable execs from its early life:

William L. McKnight

and A. G. Bush.


McKnight is easy, he was into (((thoroughbred horse breeding and racing))).

It just so happened that McKnight owned Dr. Fager, one of the most successful horses to ever live.

That made McKnight's "Tartan Stables" very popular to do business with.

Famous Dr. Fager offspring went to Paul Mellon, and to the Vanderbilt familiy.

Dr. Fager's trainer was Bill Winfrey who was also Alfred G. Vanderbilt's horse trainer: Native Dancer.

Offspring of Fager were bought by A.G.Vanderbilt.


So what connection does 3M have to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad,

known as the "Q."

Owned by William Vanderbilt, the son of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Curiously enough, representatives from the railroad and 3M were connected through the US Participation in the International Labor Organization. Pic related.


Still digging but this is turning out to be very promising.

A BRIDGE between Vanderbilt owned railroads,

and 3M, a company who has a patent involving ADRENOCHROME

Anonymous ID: a7aa97 April 3, 2020, 3:50 a.m. No.8671865   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's the big picture i'm trying to hawk.

Digging 3M and it's Adrenochrome connection is highly relevant.

Digging the connection back to the already established cult that spread along the Vanderbilt owned railroads…

Now that would be a HUGE development.

Adrenochrome 3M and Vanderbilt owned railroad named the "Q" (Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad)…

That's as interdasting as it gets.
