Anonymous ID: 0cb76c April 3, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.8672483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521 >>2574

Frens, i would love to hear from other perspectives.


Regarding the children-bunkers-tunnels & spiked adrenochrome topic.


This movement is 2.5 years old and the conclusions and research from the collective hivemind never stop to amaze me. Anons & citizen journalists out there digging praying and memeing. It is amazing how far we have come and how accurate we have been (mostly) with the conclusions coming from this collective mind - i even dare to say this is the brightest, highest IQ-hivemind ever existed on internet & social media. The very reason they see us as such a huge threat to them.


Right now, we are in a situation where a lot of anons are putting all their eggs in one basket, going all-in on this theory.


I can see why. The signs are out there, plausible decodes leading there, (Scavino 10…9…8…7…) 4 10 20 good Friday, earthquakes, @elenochle’s PAIN-decode from POTUS, celebs acting irrationally, the world is in chaos, people safe at home, X22 & others betting hard on it, etc.

Like i said, i can clearly see why we are where we are.


I can also see other prominent voices in the movement trying to calm down the hive, telling us to be cautious and be careful who we follow.


It’s hard to imagine scenarios that would be truly BIBLICAL as we have been promised. 10.000’s - 100.000’s of children being brought up to light for the entire world to see while the criminals responsible for this get a several punishment (death) would absolutely be one of few imaginable BIBLICAL scenarios.


However, hopium is a helluva drug, combined with confirmation bias.


I understand the importance of not being a concernfag.

Hope & optimism = good energy.

Concerns & doubt = negative energy.


But to see so many jump on that soundcloud clip from 3rd hand sources is worrying. In this case hopium and confirmation bias seems to trump the ”question everything mindset” for a lot of anons.


I guess my main point is this: With so many anons going all-in on this and nothing happens when April is over, or even May, a LOT of anons will lose faith and start doubting the plan, at this crucial time where we have a gigantic momentum with TONS of new eyes watching and just started learning (most of them hooked on this exact theory with the children-tunnels-bunkers theory).


My view: if nothing happens soon i will still trust Q and the plan. As i said, we are 2.5 years in and after POTUS landslide victory in Nov giving us 4 more years, we are only 2.5 years into a 8-year period and we know the enemy we are up against. Fucking Goliath with 100 heads and unlimited economic resources.


So before you call me a concernfag or a shill, i think it is important that we have an open mind and a plan B if nothing of biblical proportions happens in April and that the concerns actually are realistic and a big deal because of the hit the movement will take if nothing happens. Keep the faith. Keep trusting the plan. Everything so far points to the fact this is a very real military operation with Q+ involved and the plan will go on.


Keep trusting the plan. Don’t go all-in on this theory. Be hopeful and believe it. I personally for example feel it is 60/40 the hive is right about this but i can also see the importance of not going all-in on this.


More perspectives and input from other anons on this plz.