Anonymous ID: d96107 April 3, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.8672444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>anons need to be thinking about being PROFESSIONAL…if you are interviewed, what would you say? Think about it…


>Have your patter down without sounding crazy…


>And do not spread info without sauce and verification

Not professional. Professional is an excuse used to cover over varying degrees of corruption and idiocy. Anons should be anons. Not something else. Not something fake. Learn to communicate the underlying value system. Otherwise the end is likely an infinite regress of fact checking hell. And most of all fuck all you miss manners loving, expert worshipping, technocratic types. Fucking facts are fucking malleable in the extreme. One of their fucking academic gods fucking told all in manufacturing consent. Its (((their))) value system that needs to be fucking killed and buried. And our value system that normies need to remember.