Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.8672421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Imagine that, fake science, fake graphics, fake virus all pushed on the public 24/7 by the fake news. The hospital system outside of Ft Bragg in NC just laid off 300 medical staff because of patients. SO you have to ask yourself, why does the army need field hospitals all over the country? Not to treat virus patients. The military is gearing up to treat military personnel wounded in battle. Who are they going to fight??? People underground (what are they waiting for) or people above ground (you and me)? I think they want patriots separated, unable to group up, unable to get supplies (they can wait you out…they have plenty of food and water), unable to fight. BUT they know Americans with guns will go down shooting not surrendering.

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 6:38 a.m. No.8672455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2799 >>2836



Got sauce? Sounds good, but I dont buy it. The military treats civilian casualties just long enough to transfer them to civilian hospitals…most of which are almost empty due to a fake virus. The military used mobile field hospitals to treat military personnel injured n battle on the front line…question is, are they going to battle the "boogie men" underground or the patriots with guns above ground? There is a reason they want you alone, isolated, and not allowed to meet in large groups….and it is not a fake virus that nobody has.

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.8672495   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is called misdirection…while everyone is looking for a non-existent virus…the military is imposing quasi-martial law and ready to come for your guns. Why do you think Bill Gates (Mr Agenda 21) is flying around so isnt because he thinks he is getting arrested soon. Be alert patriots…when things dont add up it because they a re not true. Who started this BS about rescuing the children? They dont have to impose "no travel" rules to fight somebody underground…they dont want patriots to be able to band together and put up a resistance. Be on your guard…

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.8672518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because empty hospitals alone are not enough to fight the imaginary virus. The army is setting up field hospitals to treat soldiers that get injured fighting the "enemy" they are preparing to fight. Is that enemy below ground? or above ground? I am betting above ground…is it the liberals are the conservatives?? Odds are, evil cabal that is in power wants to destroy good people.

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.8672649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Question for smart anons. Ike and JKF warned of the invisible evil and even named it, The Military Complex. The Military Complex wanted to engage in endless wars, created a worldwide military leadership and rule the world, all while hiding behind the veil of "patriotism". Well for the last 50 years or more, the US has been engaged in endless wars, worldwide, and the C-A has expanded control over many countries. The global reach and control of the Military Complex has been unimpeded and on target. Sooooo, how did this Military machine get defeated and turned around to back DJT? The MC got defeated and nobody even knew? It has always been known the greatest threat to a one world govt was Americans with guns. As the military ramps up for attacks on American soil, and stages military hospitals around the country for future use, isolates people in their homes, and outlaws public gatherings…who are they getting ready to fight? Are public food and water supplies being dwindled down to almost nothing? Are guns and ammo supplies being depleted? Is the army going to fight Boogie men underground or patriots with guns above ground? If the military is already underground blowing up DUMBS, then dont they already control the tunnels? At least enough to flood them or poison the air? Where are the children from the tunnels they already seized? Dont believe what you HOPE to believe, what do the facts tell you is the most logical scenario. Change my mind.

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.8672815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2847 >>2852 >>2853 >>2867 >>2873 >>2876 >>2882 >>2897 >>2908


Or just more of the fake news to make "people" believe the virus is real to cover for what is really going on. Question is are they going to go after the cabalists or the woke patriots? Do you think the Military Industrial Complex was defeated and the cabal didnt fight back? Look at he cabalist in the House…do they let anything do without a fight? Now tell me that somehow they lost the MIC and then some stranger took over a rigged election and somehow the 2000 year old cabal is going to be defeated in 4 years….really? I think they have isolated their enemy (the American people), they have dwindled down the supplies, they have outlawed groups to stop militias from forming, they have set up field hospitals for the military who will be wounded in house to house combat, they have closed off the road borders, stopped air travel across the borders, brought navy ships into the Gulf of Mexico to close off the southern border, have ships off the east and west can escape nowhere. You must fight and die or surrender…no deals. This is the big push the globalists have planned for years.

Anonymous ID: e0eda7 April 3, 2020, 7:51 a.m. No.8672894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If the UN was to take away Americas guns with a minimum of war, how would they do it? How would they isolate the public, how would they outlaw public gatherings of patriots without causing alarm? How would they dwindle down food, water, and medical resources available to the public? How would they close off the borders and waterways so there is no escape? How would they set up army field hospitals before the battle begin? How would they hospitals large military hospital right under the publics noses? It might look alot like what is going on right now. Large military hospitals with operating rooms on both coasts but they dont treat virus victims? The hospitals are empty, the entire virus is mostly a 24.7 psy op by the MSM, the hospitals are empty. This is not for a virus, the only question is who are they gearing up to fight while trying not to draw attention to themselves??? Boogie men underground who cant see them or the above ground public who is watching their every move??