Anonymous ID: e7dc3f April 3, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.8672221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>2250 >>2298 >>2353 >>2356 >>2418 >>2660 >>2907

Fuck me. Disinfo is everywhere right now.

Clown ops posing as MAGA, Q researchers have normies believing the Internet is going to be shut off. Q has NEVER said that.


It’s like 10 Days Darkness is a litmus test for critical thinkers. But again, in the past couple weeks (Oprah arrest, Justin Trudeau arrest, 10 days OF darkness) disinfo has made it to normies.


This presents a problem because time and date fagging discredits Q more than anything. The disinfo discredits the movement and scares off those who are on the fence.


An added layer of complexity is that I believe a lot of this is organic. Meaning, regular anons are pushing what THEY believe to be happening. This is tricky because when they are eventually proven wrong, many (most/all) will not do the right thing and admit they were wrong. They will just chalk it up to timelines changing or disinfo to throw off the deep state.


This hurts us.

We MUST remain vigilant.

We are taking heavy fire from all directions.

Full battle rattle.

Anonymous ID: e7dc3f April 3, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.8672836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>boogie men

Real anons do not mischaracterize the enemy like this.

You’re objective is sowing doubt in a place where free thought and speculation are necessary.

No big deal, just know there’s at least one anon who has you clocked.