Anonymous ID: eae7b3 April 3, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.8672388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2411 >>2416 >>2438 >>2612 >>2631

The American people's reaction to the mass hysteria hyped by the media, politicians and bureaucrats over a common cold virus is absolute proof that they need to be shocked into waking up.

Shocked with the truth.

Straight up, unadulterated truth about a reality hidden from them for generations.

No more decode.

No more speculation.

No more what if's or disinformation.


Those with eyes to see understand what's going on behind the scenes.

Every day the American people are knowingly lied to.

At war with an invisible enemy. Coronavirus the common cold.

Hide indoors. Be afraid of people breathing. Boo!

Truth is the fucking cure.

Are you not entertained? This is a movie. Relax.

Meanwhile panic is sowed amongst the civilian population.

Economic destruction wades indiscriminately through every neighborhood.

All for the common cold? CoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirusCoronavirus


Truth is the cure.