Anonymous ID: 5bccd6 April 3, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.8673020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3157




What's the next bio-weapon that Communist China or some other Anti-American, Anti-white rogue enemy will release…one that targets all white European genes or some other ethnic blend?


2013 Introduction of CRISPR-Cas microbial adaptive immune system and its ongoing development into a genome editing tool represents the work of many scientists from around the world. This timeline presents a concise history of the seminal contributions and the scientists who pushed this field forward~~starting in 1993? Introduction of CRISPR in 2013. CRISPR, a powerful gene-editing toolkit, is advancing the field of programmable biology by leaps and bounds. It allows researchers to reconfigure genes and create new versions of things. Altering the genetic code of plants and animals & recombining DNA and RNA molecules to produce New forms…it also becomes possible to alter a pathogen’s DNA to make it more virulent and more contagious. CRISPR-cas9 gene-editing tool, which is a wildly powerful piece of technology that basically acts as genetic scissors, letting scientists snip out individual genes .


2017-2019—Chinese scientist He Jiankui , used the CRISPR-cas9 gene-editing tool, which is a wildly powerful piece of technology that basically acts as genetic scissors, letting scientists snip out individual genes (in this case CCR5 gene linked to HIV infections), on HIV-positive couples in order to modify the genetic makeup of the child in an attempt to make them immune to the HIV virus. He & other scientist began their work in 2017.


Chinese using CRISPR-cas9 gene-editing tool, working on HIV virus positive adults to produce a DNA altered HIV immune child. 2017-2019.


1971: Gene Splicing Experiment Paves the Way for Recombinant DNA (rDNA)


Paul Berg became the first scientist to ever accomplish creating recombinant DNA from more than one species, which came to be known as the “cut-and-splice” method. He cut the DNA from two viruses creating “sticky ends;” the DNA was then incubated, the ends would anneal on their own, and the addition of DNA ligase would seal it.


This proved the validity of the theory that it was possible for any two DNA molecules to be covalently joined together. This achievement was considered a fundamental step in the field of genetic engineering, and was the biggest stepping stone toward the creation of recombinant DNA.

++Added 1977 to 1978—Alleged Man Made HIV virus created. Newly man-made HIV virus was then tested on convicts who

++Added 1979—Alleged First HIV Disease Infected Male in New York, USA (Not Openly recognized by the scientific community)

1981: The First Transgenic Animal


A transgenic animal is any animal that has had a gene from a foreign organism deliberately inserted in its genome. Today, generating transgenic animals for scientific experiments is quite common using modern genome editing methods, but this process first began with a research team led by Thomas Wagner at Ohio University in 1981. Wagner and his team transferred the gene of a rabbit into mouse genome by using a method now standard in genetics known as “DNA microinjection.” Their experiment paved the way for the revolutionary transgenic animal experiments in the years to follow.

Anonymous ID: 5bccd6 April 3, 2020, 8:25 a.m. No.8673059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3157



What's the next bio-weapon that Communist China or some other Anti-American, Anti-white rogue enemy will release…one that targets all white European genes or some other ethnic blend?


June 2011- The potential risk of insertional oncogenesis was realized in the trial, infants with X-SCID were cured by retrovirus-mediated ex-vivo gene transfer, and the trial was credited as the first unequivocal success for gene therapy.


Communist China…Chinese government policies often blur the line between eugenics, Euthanasia and education, lumped together as improving the “quality” of the population…


the past few years, the development of inexpensive gene-editing techniques has democratized biomedical research, producing a biotech bonanza in places such as China and creating a whole new category of security threats in the process, from the use of genetic information to persecute dissidents and minority groups to the development of sophisticated bioweapons.


For the United States and other Western countries, China’s growing role in biomedical research is raising plenty of concern. Several Chinese researchers have shown a willingness to ignore ethical and regulatory constraints on genetic research. In 2018, He Jiankui became a poster child for scientific irresponsibility when he announced he had edited the genes of two twins in utero without following basic safety protocols…to ensure that the babies, born to HIV+ mothers, enjoyed protection against the virus.


Earlier this year, Chinese researchers recorded another mind-bending milestone when they implanted human genes linked to intelligence into monkey embryos—and then said that the monkeys performed better on memory tests.


the United States. U.S. officials have been warning universities and research institutions that the biotech sector is a focal point for Chinese industrial espionage activities in the United States. And this past August, a senior Defense Department official warned Congress that China’s growing role in pharmaceutical manufacturing could allow it to disrupt deliveries of critical battlefield medicines, or potentially even alter them to harm U.S. forces


Yet the biggest risks posed by biotech, for China, the United States, and other countries, pertain to nonstate actors.


A critical feature of modern biotech, in contrast to technology like nuclear weapons, is that it’s cheap and easy to develop. A technique known as CRISPR, which the Chinese researcher He used in his illicit gene-editing work, makes it practical for just about anyone to manipulate the genomes of just about any organism they can lay their hands on. CRISPR makes it much simpler to skirt ethical restrictions and terrifyingly straightforward for terrorist groups to develop fearsome biological weapons.


And while most of the world’s major DNA synthesis firms belong to the consortium, membership is completely voluntary, and there’s also a thriving and entirely unregulated black market—much of it based in China.


All of this means that biosecurity standards in places like China matter more than ever. After all, if a major bioweapon were to be unleashed, it’s unlikely that any major, globally integrated country could escape unharmed.


WHO, UN, need to unfunded by the USA, Shut down rogue foundations like the Clinton Foundation & Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations, EU, World Bank, etc.


NO more essential products from Communist China, meds or medical supplies..another disaster waiting to happen

Anonymous ID: 5bccd6 April 3, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8673157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3228




That goes for the CDC & FDA, too…Big Pharma/push for $$$$$ & their immune from prosecution Vaccines need to go! Along with the United Nations, WHO, EU, & rogue agenda foundations like the Bill Gates Foundation & Clinton Foundation.


Rogue Bioweapon Labs in Communist China…no ethics…want to be #1 Super Power, have no remorse killing their own citizens. Look how many protesters, whistleblowers and their economic ticking time bomb (the elderly) have disappeared.