Anonymous ID: 163a9d April 3, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.8676473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8673760 pb

>So you are trusting someone that you don't actually know, because you saw someone say something on a screen?

Are you calling General Milley a liar?

>US MIL did so many bad things over centuries

They have indeed been abused. They deserve so much better. Now they can.

>I would have expected

Your expectations are all well and good but you are lacking massive amounts of information that POTUS + USMIL have.

You carry on like this is just so easy and there are no extenuating circumstances like trying to deal with a millennia old cabal. You are of course welcome to do that, but no serious person could take that seriously.

Anonymous ID: 163a9d April 3, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.8676778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just came back from the store and while there are notices on the doors, and most customers maintaining some distance, some older customers had masks and some had gloves also, some younger ones did, too. Didn't see too many employees with both, and didn't check the TP supply. I did see massive pallets of good being brought in and everything being restocked - except bread. Bread was pretty wiped out.

Also stopped by big-box hardware store, more employees were wearing masks and gloves (different shopper demographics and far more theft by one of those demos). Also went by farm supply store, which has a table in front of the front counter, but in all 3 places, people were cheerful, helpful to each other, understanding and peaceful.

Everyone I spoke with today, including local police, think it's a prime time to get things done that you couldn't get to before, really this hype is hype but still we're all following basic directions/guidance and getting along with each other. Actually, everyone is really consciously being kinder, more understanding and helpful.

Rural area in EDT.

America is so beautiful, and I'm so damn proud to be American!