Anonymous ID: e2ba90 April 3, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.8676818   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hope the time is coming when we hear Trump be even more brutally honest about those fake lying tools, and just tell it like it is:

"Every question you ask, you only ask to try to make me look bad to people that don't know what is going on. And try to take what I said earlier and twist it to make it look like I didn't keep my word.

You don't ask any of these questions because you actually want to know the answer. They aren't even genuine questions - they are your accusations and lies cunningly framed as questions. And the questions aren't even yours. They are given to you by the people that control you, and you are only the mouthpiece, the pretty public face.

I know, and you know, that you are more political operatives than you are actual journalists. Everything you do is an act, because you are actors playing your roles. The only reason I play along and answer your fake questions is because some of the public does not know what has become of the profession of journalism in the United States. But they will know soon, and they will find out who you really work for and how much you've been lying to them."