They are claiming the cabal locked the public up and they hold the keys.
Here is something to ponder while you are in lockdown….Never believe the MSM. and Never believe a politician. This should answer ALL of your questions.
the net is NOT going dark. They are afraid if it goes dark people will leave their houses. Think….first.
I see a jew still rejects Jesus as God.
They can only get exiled from Heaven once.
Commandment #1. Thou shall have NO others before me. All pope worshiping catholics are fake Christians.
A jet plane is not on the island when it is flying…and a dungeon is under the island not on it. Slick Willie passes the lie detector again.
American freedoms are major casualties so far. Kids cant even play in the park in modern America. Who is reporting on this?
Healthy people in the 20th centruy bathed once a week. Washing your hand with soap and water is fine. Sanitizer is pushed by the "modern medicine" crowd.
Even a blind man can see the future looking backwards.
POTUS can takeover ANY industry he sees fits during this national emergency. He can replace all the "newscasters" and replace the "scriptwriters" tomorrow if he wanted. He has to want to.
If you dont follow the 10 Commandments just say you dont follow the 10 Commandments.