Lady reporter Q re: stopping exports of med supplies
POTUS: Yes stopped, but places like Italy/Spain are in bad shape & back orders are being allowed b/c we're trying to be fair.
Speaking a fair 2 big cruise ships were allowed to dock in Fla b/c we have to be humane & take care of people who were sick & dying.
Q re: virus testing of WH staff & if he's worried about catching corona virus
POTUS: Nope not worried I had a test yesterday, energy industry ppl had test b/c most hadn't had 1 yet, all left meeting quite pleased. Test takes 15 min/ more testing on the way, (me thinks testing isn't just about corona). The inherited tests sucked.
Q re: exporting being stopped here will lead other countries to do same which COULD lead to shortages here, (another setup Q trying to put any blame on POTUS for ANYTHING now)
POTUS: We're well supplied now & we're a bavk up for states not the principal. States should've had their own stockpiles, but nobody could've seen this coming, we're supplying states when asked & rapidly replacing outgoing supplies b/c our people are doing an incredible job. Getting alotta thank you's from most governors even some Dems b/c going above & beyond, unfortunately certain govs not saying so publicly b/c of politics & it's shameful
if they ask for 1000 ventilators I give them that + 5000 & then Jim Acosta will ask them are you happy w/ Prez's actions & they say no b/c standard political answer
Suspect Q: Did energy folks ask for a bailout
POTUS: No they didn't
Another suspect Q: well then what did they ask for?
POTUS: It was more of a discussion than asking, we discussed terriffs due to dispute between a couple of countries Russian & SA who want to get it resolved.
Another suspect Q re: stock pile answer from Kushner day before about OUR National stock pile not being there for states use
POTUS: Duh lady, were not stock piling for NEGLIGENT states to depend on us like ants the proverbial grasshopper would use.
I C U & your gotcha Question suspicious reporter "lady". Why don't you understand the difference between state & federal gov dummy? You oughtta be ashamed of yourself you SIMPLE minded twit. Stahp makin mountains outta molehill nitwit… NEXT!
Suspiciously dimwitted reporter doesn't know to STFU now.
POTUS: You & your Q were nasty… you got a perfect answer now piss off.
Dumber reporter follows up for dimwit w/ Q re: stockpile
POTUS: rolls eyes… it's not just for states it's for federal gov too. Jesus H Keyrist I'll dumb it down some more for you… states are supposed to have their own stockpiles AND fed has their own too. Frankly too many states were totally unprepared for this & due to their NEGLIGENCE we're dipping in to fed stockpiles. Again we're doing these states jobs now because they didn't prepare when they should've.
Suspect Q about fed playing traffic cop re: fed stockpile
POTUS: (internally screams) We're helping no matter what, even those cruise ships w/ foreigners ffs! What part of we're doing a good job don't you fools understand? We shut down the greatest economy in the world to handle this!
Fear mongering Q about stimulus checks taking 4 months
POTUS: All I can say is did the Small Business today & we're ahead of schedule, there's a prob w/ unemployment, which I told them not to do that way, unfortunately we send the money to the states… how they handle it from there is ON THEM. I wanted to give the money direct(ly to the people), but Democrats wanted to hand bulks of money to the states & do it the hard way.
Reporter wants to asks Q's for himself AND reporters not in room, (uh huh)
Asks what percentage of people are A-symptomatic or a way to figure that out, pushes antibody testing… (interesting).
POTUS: lets Dr handle Q. She states the many ways they're on top of it. Also knocks down questions re: who knew what 1st 150+ countries working togetHer. We'll figure EVERYTHING out after this is over.
Reminds them head of WHO said no need for travel ban in beginning of January & wasn't till mid-January that person to person transmission was confirmed
Reporter interrupts with fear mongering statement in childish tone… but POTUS said it was gonna go away in April!
POTUS: It is going to go away
Childish reporter continues insisting on April timeline
POTUS: I said it's going away & it is going away! No moar Q's for you… NEXT!
Another suspicious Q re: extending free coverage to ILLEGALS…
POTUS: We'll get back to you on that.
Reporter wants to know when underying data on infected will be released.
POTUS: We'll get back to you on that.
Reporter suspiciously asks about reinstating Obummercare fraud.
Azar answers: We have opened special coverage under that act already plus our payback program will ensure people being taken care of.