Since we are learning more and more about the affects of 5G on our bodies/nature & that it has exactly the same symptoms as the so called Coronavirus…what the hell is our favorite president doing!??? I don't understand!
What is our president doing?
I'm not. I have a legitimate question. Maybe your cognitive dissonance just can't handle it but I want to understand!
You can't rebut it with facts?
Sounds like it's your cognitive dissonance speaking. No no it just can't be true!
Thank you for at least answering. Where can I get more info on what you say? What these people are saying is that the magnetic waves are bad…don't know why it would be different if made anywhere else?
Ok, no critical thinkers here…just followers. Sheep…just a different flock.
No one willing to ask the hard questions. I don't want a bad answer (I want things to be a certain way too) to my question but when I ask a question that might threaten the narrative on here, I'm ridiculed. More people seem to suffer from cognitive dissonance…on both sides.
Thank you!!!!!