Anonymous ID: 689a0c April 3, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.8680612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Weed-Honey. Prepare as follows:

1: Grow weed

2: Coarse-trim/dry/freeze buds

3: Acquire raw honey (dont get stung)

4: Take weed from freezer and put in a pint wide mouth mason jar. Keep the ring and replace the cap with a piece of super-fine screen. Window screen is not nearly fine enough. You want VERY fine screen. screw this screen onto the jar with the threads of the ring. Turn upside down and shake over a bowl. The whole thing should be COLD. Well below freezing. Use a powerful freezer or dry ice if you can get it. when you shake the jar trichomes should rain out of it. Collect them in a bowl. When you have a shitload fill a short fat wide mouth mason jar about 1/3 full of the loose trichomes that came off of the weed and pour the jar about 80% full of honey. Set it on a covfefe maker for 6 hours. Just put the glass jar directly on the heater of the covfefe maker. It helps to toss a towel over it to keep the heat in. Stir regularly. Every 10-15 miutes. I put a workout timer by it and when it goes off I go over ther eand stir. When its done I simply put the lid on the jar and let it cool. The next day test it. Take a TINY amount and wait 30 minutes. Take twice as much and wait 30 minutes. etc. You will get a feel for your dose.


Cannahoney is far superior to normal weed because it wont fuck your lungs up. You dont want fucked up lungs when you are running from methed-up niggers or fighting the deepstate or getting the coof from Corona-chan.


I have found that it is powerful sleeping/relaxation medicine as well.